Small moments of happiness
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
What's your definition of happiness?
Does it involve getting a dream job, a dream home, or a deal, or is it something you wish for yourself and your loved ones in the future?
With the advent of social media, we have become so engrossed in how others live their lives that we have forgotten how blessed and fortunate we are today.
I can guarantee that there will be at least a hundred people out there who would do anything to be in your shoes right now.
Yet, we are constantly focusing on either our past mistakes, our current struggles or an uncertain future that may not happen.
Understanding the importance of the present moment has never been more critical.
Can I ask you to take a pause and look around?
Look around at the beauty of nature, look at the blue sky, look at the clouds and look at the greenery of the trees.
If that’s not possible, perhaps you could look at your loved ones.
Perhaps you could remember the smell of coffee from your pot or your children's smile.
There are so many small moments of happiness in our lives that we take for granted every day.
The definition and meaning of happiness are unique to every individual.
We already have so many things happening in our favour.
Let's enjoy and celebrate “today” and the opportunities it brings.
Let's enjoy the company of our family and friends.
Let’s make the small moments of happiness matter.
Coaching tip 3-2-1
Let me know in the comments – What makes you happy? How will you celebrate the small moments in life? I'd like to hear from you! ??
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