A Small Mistake ended me on the Streets

A Small Mistake ended me on the Streets

I have been into startups for the past 6 years. I never thought that a small mistake could end me on the streets. A mistake that we humans often make but fail to recognize it.

This blog is important for all entrepreneurs. The major intention behind this blog is to share awareness so that you guys don't repeat the same mistake. I will be blunt with this story, no hidden lies, no sugar coating, but only a real story.

Before we move forward in the story, let me give a small introduction of myself. I have been leading/consulting startups for the past few years, during these years I have led both successful and failed ventures.

I, too, embarked on this entrepreneurial journey with zeal and optimism, armed with six years of experience in guiding startups through the maze of challenges. Little did I know that a seemingly insignificant error would bring me to my knees, teaching me lessons that would resonate far beyond my personal experience.

The Backstory:

My tale begins with the excitement of a new venture in 2018, fueled by my passion and an unyielding belief in the power of innovation. Having advised and led startups, I thought I possessed a keen eye for choosing the right partners. But blinded by enthusiasm, I overlooked a crucial aspect — the essence of a trustworthy co-founder.

The Fatal Mistake: Trusting the Wrong Co-founders

Selecting a co-founder is akin to choosing a life partner for your business. I placed my trust in individuals who were eloquent but lacked the essential skills to navigate the intricacies of a SaaS startup. Their grandiose promises painted a rosy picture, but beneath the surface, there was a void of practical knowledge and expertise.

Reflecting on this, I realized that I had allowed my excitement to cloud my judgment. I didn’t thoroughly assess their abilities and credentials, an oversight that would haunt me later.

Lack of Action:

In the world of startups, mere talk is insufficient. Ideas must be translated into actions, and plans must evolve into tangible outcomes. Despite our software launch, there was a glaring absence of sales. The chasm between our aspirations and reality grew wider with each passing day.

Witnessing our venture stagnate despite our initial momentum was disheartening. It highlighted the importance of a proactive approach and the need for a team that translates ideas into results.

Disregard for Time and Investment:

Time is the most precious resource in the startup ecosystem. My co-founders’ lack of respect for time and their unwillingness to invest financially became detrimental roadblocks. Progress was impeded, and opportunities slipped through our fingers.

This phase tested my patience and resolve. I realized the significance of partners who respect time, appreciate its value, and are willing to invest in the business’s growth.

The Turning Point: A Bleak Realization

After enduring 1.5 years of unfruitful endeavors, I confronted a harsh truth — my startup dream had crumbled. To compound my misery, my co-founders orchestrated a deceitful scheme, denying me my rightful stake in the venture. Faced with betrayal and dwindling finances, I made the painful decision to sever ties, clutching onto the code — my lifeline — as I retreated.

Hitting Rock Bottom: From Founder to Homeless

The aftermath of my departure was a period of darkness. Jobless, with a meager $50 in my bank account, I found myself at rock bottom. My dreams lay shattered, and uncertainty loomed like a specter. It was a time of despair and soul-searching, questioning the very essence of my entrepreneurial spirit. I had to vacate my house within a week if the rent was not paid.

If you made it till this point, then don't forget to follow us.

A Ray of Hope: Seizing an Unexpected Opportunity

In the midst of my despair, a flicker of hope emerged. An old client, recognizing my capabilities, extended a helping hand. He offered me a position, a chance to rebuild and reclaim what I had lost. Grateful for this unexpected opportunity, I embraced it with gratitude and determination, vowing never to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Lessons Learned:

Choose Your Partners Wisely:

The saga of my downfall emphasized the pivotal role of co-founders. They are the pillars upon which a startup stands. My experience underscored the need for meticulous scrutiny, for partners who not only share the vision but also possess the skills and commitment to bring it to fruition.

Action Speaks Louder than Words:

In the entrepreneurial realm, promises are hollow without action. My journey illuminated the importance of a proactive team, individuals who are not just dreamers but doers, turning concepts into reality.

Respect Your Time and Investments:

Time is irreplaceable, and every moment lost diminishes opportunities. My struggle highlighted the value of partners who recognize the essence of time, investing not only effort but also finances into the business’s growth.

Protect Your Rights:

Legal agreements aren’t mere formalities; they are shields safeguarding your stake in the venture. My bitter experience emphasized the necessity of clear, comprehensive paperwork, ensuring that every partner’s contributions are acknowledged and protected.


This was my first startup that failed quite badly. After this, I led many other successful ventures. Sometimes we learn lessons the hard way, but we should appreciate it and keep learning.

We at Surge Startup, help startups with product development and help them out of most crucial problems. If you think there’s a match between our services and your pain point, then let's connect. [email protected]

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