Small mind
There is common sign found among the youth, which is, providing their own thoughts as judgement, about a certain issues, without verifying the real fact. It may feels them a philanthropist but believe me they are not, this are more dangerous than the old warfare. Though scholars consider such offences as the part of the modernization and freedom of speech.
This sort of judgement poses some serious risk, embedded in it. Look at some serious problem the world struggling with , from war, to immigrants problem, from world economy to domestic violence, it’s seems like we are smart enough to talk about anything and everything, specially we are master in providing judgement in favour of our thoughts, without considering the consequences. This is the problem with the generation called gen- Z.
You all have the extreme level of potential, the resources and the knowledge to use such resources more efficiently. You all have the access of internet , you are full with technology than ever before . Than why do you lose your power on such useless thing. And as a active citizen of a country and also the netizen of the world you may know about, choices have consequences, and when you have that power to influence a huge number of people/ huge portion of the society, than you must have some much control over your tongue. Choose your word more wisely. Cause, you may not have the the power to alter anything, but the mob has. And if something unexpected happens to anybody for your so called judgement and instance Justice, remember you will be criminalized by the same mob that are encouraging you to just raise a random useless topics.
Close your door, open your mind, and do good things for the people, for the earth, make it more available for anybody and everybody to live life more easily. And lastly, what if you positioned yourself in a neutral position and than think about the problem around, only than you will consider both, party of the event. While judgement is easy but reality is not. Maybe the real incident goes beyond our small understanding.