Small but highly attractive
Small doesn't have to be annonymous. Boutique stands can work well if you spend the extra cash on a stand attraction. Welcome Break got the best out of their boutique stand at the Business Travel Show Olympia 2019 with some smart ideas.
Get people to come to your stand with a great freebie giveaway. A great freebie works every time especially if it's great quality, unique and branded. No one is going to seek you out for a biro, a stress ball or something to stand your mobile phone on that they'll never use. Even if they did it would take them a matter of seconds to grab what they want and shuffle off with no benefit to you.
Once you've got them at your stand you need to engage them. Having full colour caricatures being drawn live on the big screen will certainly engage most people whether they want to take part or not and that is a key point. Many clients worry about the number of pictures that can be drawn but I always assure them it's the process that's the attraction. It has been described to me as 'mesmerising' and 'I could watch that all day'. Good news spreads fast around the event.
The process actually takes a little as 5-8minutes for full colour and even less 3-5mins for mono if you really want to push things through. Plenty of time for you to engage your visitors and see who's genuinely interested in your products.
It doesn't hurt to endorse the experience with a little competition boosting Social Media engagement by making full use of the event hash tags. Even without the prize money everybody uploads their picture and many decide it's going to be their Linked In picture from then onwards.
Your staff will love having something so interesting going on because it makes their job so easy. Visitors seek out the stand having seen the caricature prints displayed on other visitors lanyards and through social media. It really does make a small stand highly attractive.