Small Driving Tip For Winter
Wanted to write about this earlier but got distracted majorly trying to collect my thoughts so I can talk about what went down at work tonight.Well, when I started my shift it was very busy with a lot of customers buying gas for the upcoming new year. In fact this is my last article for 2017 if I am not able to write in here tomorrow again.So I thought that I would get some word in before 2018 comes to us. Anyway, it was really busy and to my amazement a lot of customers came out to do a lot of shopping despite the fact that it was very cold outside with freezing temperatures especially with the wind chill which tends to throw a whole lot of people off when dressing up for this cold Calgary weather.
Now I don't normally give driving tips on this site or any other site I have written in but in this case I will make an exception. I will have to say that whoever has to drive in the cold weather should really be careful when travelling somewhere because this is the time when road conditions tend to be very icy and slippery. Just got this tip from a customer who drives a big tow truck that tows a whole lot of people that are in accidents. With the job he is in he ought to know since he probably sees them all the time he's working. Drivers that speed their cars a lot without any awareness of the road conditions out there and the behavior of the drivers who decide to just speed on these roads like there's no tomorrow.
But overall, motorists should really slow down and make a judgement of their speed because any vehicle, no matter how big and steady it is on icy roads can still slip out of control and hit any vehicle causing accidents and possible deaths of a motorist or themselves. But I would have to say too that if anyone in Calgary doesn't have any important place to go to then they should just stay home until the weather warms up in order to do their travel. But most of all, we should pay attention to the amount of time we let our engines run because with gas prices remaining high, the last thing any of us want to do is to waste gas running our engines unnecessarily then finding out that there isn't much gas left in our tanks.Then wasting money finding out that what we put into our cars didn't fill our cars.
#Driving, #Safety, #Winter, #Calgary, #Automotives