Small Circle
James Dewberry
Medical Qigong Advocate and Practitioner for healing/ Spiritual Counselor / Transformational Coach specializing in assisting others to Harmonize in Mind, Body and Spirit / Public Motivational Speaker
When you do the internal work, the external world will respond; cause and effect. The first session with any new client always includes that statement.? It is an important understanding to have.? Your inner transformation is going to transform your outer world; work, social circles, activities, marriage.
This is what you are doing in working on yourself. Internal work involves transformation.? The alchemical process of personal transformation is a metamorphosis.? You begin to escape the cocoon you did not know had become a prison.? The world around you, has only ever known the shell of a cocoon; not the truth of what is within.
When the shell is broken and you begin to emerge it is something new and wonderful.? Unfortunately, as a species, humans have a remarkable capacity to pack one another into very small boxes. A wretched box that traps people, and the world around us, into comfortable narratives. It establishes boundaries that offer an illusory sense of understanding, safety, and control. ?Narratives that limit sharing or experiencing the wonderful potential within each of us. ?
Initially both you and the world around you experience confusion during the transformative process.? People in your life no longer recognize or understand the person before them.? They no longer can identify the person they once knew, and you can no longer identify them.? The lens through which you and they view the world, and one another, has changed; keep going. This is the hero's journey.
This is not something to be afraid of.? You are simply evolving into a greater version of yourself.? During the process many things, including people, are going to be released from your sphere.? Some will just go away, others will need to be consciously released, while a few will kick and scream; resentful and bitter.? A few will go with you as their road and yours remain parallel. It is part of the process.? When we release, space is created for that which will inspire, heal, guide, encourage, and support us at this new stage of the journey.?
Our circle will get smaller.? Your circle will get smaller. The spiral into our inner world induces a spiral outside of us that grows into an ever smaller, circle.? The number of people we wish to spend time with dwindles. We become comfortable, even excited, to spend time alone. The opinions and judgements of others no longer concern us. Those that remain, or arrive, into our circle will be amazing.? Evolution and growth demands, that we cut away the fluff, the extraneous from our life.? The circle, our sphere, and what is allowed within becomes richer, brighter, and more selective.? A small circle from within creates a sphere of amazing without. Within our small circle we discover our strength, purpose, and integrity.? In this space we find our center and become rooted in the truest expression of our being. Stand firmly in the center of your circle. ?