Small changes lead to big achievements

Small changes lead to big achievements

Success: According to definition “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.”. There isn’t any die heart rule for success but few things you can follow to achieve that. Control your thoughts first.Your thoughts drive how you feel. How you feel drives your actions. It is impossible to be confident, positive and self-assured if your thoughts are filled with self-doubt and judgment. It takes time to reprogram your thinking, but self-awareness is step one. Be more aware of your thoughts. Ask yourself: What is on my mind right now and why? Are my thoughts helping me?

Take some time out to reboot your internal thoughts can help you become more intentional and positive. Separate how you feel from what you do. Take time to acknowledge how you really feel. Minding your mind doesn’t mean hiding or ignoring your feelings.Your actions are a separate decision that you alone make based on your feelings. Stop Comparison. There will always be someone more successful, more accomplished, with more medals, and more money. So have your own internal bar of success based upon what matters most to you, your starting point, and the progress you’ve made. Find the real meaning in your efforts. Meaning is a powerful way to overcome comparison to others as you focus on impact and contribution.

Make time for yourself. Time is our greatest asset. How you start each day plays a big role in being intentional. Find a few minutes to think about how you want to spend your day, both in terms of time and the thoughts you want to have. Prayer, meditation, exercise, and a little quiet time to think can have a monumental impact on your day, week, and year. Do something new every week. Predictable days and habits keep us in a rut. Every week, pick one new small change you want to make.

Listen even when you want to talk. Listening is the most powerful learning tool and relationship builder you have at your disposal, but in our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it is wildly underutilized. Battle the addiction to being right. The desire to always be right can overshadow even the strongest relationship. Being right at all costs might fulfill an inner need you have, but often at the expense of someone or something else.

Small changes made consistently over time can have a big impact on your life. And they are all actions you can take starting today. One will be considered successful only if one has a specific goal to achieve. If you have nowhere to reach, you can reach anywhere and that is not success. Therefore, first thing is to have a goal to achieve. Second, always remind yourself of the goal so that you don't forget it. With time, we tend to forget. Therefore, reminding oneself of his or her goal is very important.

Third, take action everyday towards the goal no matter how small the action is. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the humongous task ahead to reach the goal, just focus on what needs to be done on a daily basis and reward yourself everyday for achieving small sub goals. That will keep you motivated and give a sense of achievement. Well, everything in this universe was one time a small atom! Which combined together and become a bigger atom.

Like the very reason, small changes are the backbone of everything you do. Didn't got that, every step you take knowingly or unknowingly will eventually take you to places. Remember, I've said places, not success. Because to be successful you first need to have a vision for yourself and then act as per your vision, there will be a lot of obstacles along the way but no matter what you need to stick to your own damn path and if you're able to do this then undoubtedly you will lead to success. See, it's not the small changes but the vision for your path that will lead you to success. However, small changes will always be your best friend as great success requires changes and a lot of sacrifices! Cheers!


