Small changes, Big Impact:How to improve your eating habits for heart health
Crescentia Cook
Supporting those with atrial fibrillation control their anxiety and to make the lifestyle changes to reduce their symptoms and improve their quality of life
Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for heart health because excess body weight can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and insulin resistance, all of which can strain the heart.
Losing weight, even a small amount, can have a significant impact on heart health.?For example, losing just 5-10% of your body weight can lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels.
Gone are the days where we just ate just for energy and nutrition. The way we use food today makes trying to change our eating habits a challenge.
Food forms a large part of our social life and we use it to bond with others. Romantic meals for two, dinner parties, lunch with friends and family get togethers make sticking to a diet difficult.
We use food to cope with stress, anxiety, or other emotional issues. This can lead to overeating or binge eating.
We also eat because we enjoy the taste and texture of certain foods. Eating is a pleasurable experience and we don’t need to be hungry to enjoy the experience of eating.?How often have you ordered a dessert when you felt full?
But eating healthily isn’t about following the latest fad diet and doesn’t mean giving up your favourite food to live on kale and water alone.?Sorry, pizza and nachos don’t count as heart healthy food as much as you wish they did!!
It is all about balance and moderation.?
Ask yourself two questions:
-???????What do I need to add to my diet to fuel my body for energy and stave off infection?
-???????What do I need to reduce in my diet for my body to be strong and healthy?
Changing bad eating habits can be challenging but it’s not impossible!?Here are 10 tips to help you eat healthier
1.?????Add more food: Instead of thinking about what you need to give up, start thinking about adding healthy foods – more fruit and vegetables, more white and oily fish, more wholegrain carbohydrates.?By adding more of the right foods you balance your diet and it may stop you craving the wrong foods as you will be getting more of the nutrients you need to keep your body healthy.
2.?????Eat variety: Try and eat at least 30 different fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices every week.?When you shop pick up something you haven’t tried before.
3.?????Start small: Trying to overhaul your entire diet overnight can be overwhelming and lead to you giving up quickly.?Make small changes every week.?Swap crisps for a small handful of unsalted nuts one week.?The following week cut the sugar you add to your tea and coffee.?Build on your new healthy habits.
4.?????Keep Track: Write down or use an app to record everything you eat.?This will help you identify where you can cut back or change your habits. This will only work if you are truthful to yourself. YOU know if you've eaten something and not recorded it!!
5.?????Be mindful: Eat at the table instead of on the run or in front of the TV.?Eat slowly savouring your food.?Why? It takes around 20 minutes to feel full?once you’ve finished eating so we usually carry on eating and overeat.
6.?????A healthy diet starts in the shop: Try not to shop when you are hungry as you will be tempted to buy high carb sugary foods to quell your hunger. When shopping avoid buying the ‘naughty’ foods like biscuits cake and crisps.?I know you're buying them for your children or partner but your children and partner need to learn healthy eating habits too.
7.?????Plan and Prep your meals: The goal is to reduce the processed foods that you eat. If you don’t cook start with one or two meals a week.?Plan ahead for busy days by preparing a meal the day before or at the weekend so you won’t just grab a packet of crisps and some chocolate to fill you up because it’s easy.?Batch cook and freeze portions you can heat up for busy days.?It’s much easier when you’re hungry not to snack if you know you have a nice meal coming.?
8.?????Realistic goals: You may be able to lose 7lbs in a week but it is unlikely to be still lost in a year as you can’t change your bad eating habits in a week.?It has probably taken you a long time to develop the habits you have got so it will take time to unwind them.?Aim for 1-2 lbs a week but even 1lb a month is a move in the right direction
9.?????Praise yourself: Each pound you lose is a step towards your goal.?Don’t wail ‘It’s only one pound’.?I know and you know you've been trying hard so whoop and be proud that you’re doing something positive about your health.
10.??Remember your goal: You want a healthy happy heart and to live the life you want.
Changing bad eating habits takes time so be patient and you’ll feel the benefit of eating healthily with better health and more energy.
So if you're serious about making those changes why not work with me for:
?? Help to make a realistic plan and clarify what you really want your future to be like even though you have a heart problem
?? Tools to help to conquer those inner demons that keep you in fear and sabotage your success
?? Support and guidance when things start to get hard
??Accountability to keep you focused and work through obstacles.
DM me and make sure that things really are different next year.