Small Businesses and Start Ups Need Professional Guidance Before Hanging their Shingles

I frequently hear stories about small businesses that have recently failed. The reasons for their failure are as diverse as the companies business lines are: from restaurants and bars to real estate, retail, advertising and marketing to travel and entertainment. Most often, the challenges they face begin with incomplete or improper preparation before their doors are opened for business. There is no shortage of resources to assist start up entrepreneurs with critical step-by-step processes to properly launch their businesses. The challenge seems to be knowing that these resources exist and how to access them. Several organizations provide their services at no cost to the business owner. The Small Business Administration is one of the most overlooked resources a small business owner can utilize at no cost. The SBA also provides a library of additional resources to assist through the Small Business Development Centers. The American Dream of owning your own business is still the driving force behind our economy. Eight percent of jobs in America are created by small business. Starting a business is hard work. It takes dedication and commitment and financial resources. Most importantly, it requires detailed preparation. The best time to engage a business consultant is at the very beginning of the process, not when the business is in trouble.


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