Small Business Edge
Brian Moran
Master Storyteller, Sales Leader, Strategic Marketer, SMB Expert, Mentor, and Connector
1) Stop Wasting Time
2) Time Spent at Work
3) Podcast Wisdom
Hello Friends and Fellow Business Owners,
Happy Tuesday, January 30th.
There are so many wonderful, honest, and poignant quotes about time from throughout the centuries.
“Too late is sooner than you think.”—Anonymous
“Time is the only currency that matters.”—Anonymous
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”—Stephen Covey
How well do you manage your time? Do you allow “time robbers” to steal your most valuable commodity during the workday? Or do you tell them you will get back to them at the end of the workday when your urgent and important work is done?
I am often asked, “What’s the biggest difference between successful companies and those that fail?” To me, it comes down to how well they manage their time. Paraphrasing Stephen Covey—Don’t spend time, INVEST it! What kind of ROTI (Return on Time Invested) can you expect if you're not investing time into your business every day?
Today is a great day to examine how you invest your time—in business and your personal life. Did you accomplish all the tasks you needed to—even the important ones? If you didn’t, what happened? Did a 30-minute conversation at 10 am about your weekend plans contribute to missing your goal? What about watching videos on your phone in the afternoon?
When it comes to distractions, we all fall into rabbit holes. The goal is to make it a 5-minute distraction, not a 25-minute one.
Carpe Diem, everyone!
Brian Moran, CEO
Small Business Edge
Brian Moran & Associates
Co-Founder, Bricks or Sticks
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Brian Moran & Jocelyn Ring
1. Stop Wasting Time
As I noted above, we all have “time robbers” that sap our focus and productivity. The key is to identify the robbers so you can eliminate them. Time robbers take many forms.
Sometimes, they’re egregious and obvious and easier to eliminate. More often, they’re so insignificant you don’t even realize they impact your day. Making it worse, sometimes robbers are self-generated, so you can’t blame someone else for distracting you from the tasks at hand.
Getting those wasted moments back can be overwhelming, so start slowly. Tackle the top three time robbers you’ve identified. How can you eliminate them? You may need to establish boundaries with your employees, other business owners, or even your family. Or set up time limits on specific websites on your computer (ESPN can easily distract me—especially during baseball season).
There are many ways to stop the robbers from stealing your time—experiment until you find the most effective methods.
Learn more:
2. Time Spent at Work
The Harvard Business Review named the 4-day workweek one of “9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2024 and Beyond.” The article notes that a recent Gartner survey shows that 63% of job candidates rated working a “four-day workweek for the same pay as the top new and innovative benefit that would attract them to a job.”
Studies have shown that four-day workweeks increase employee productivity and well-being.Another way to address time spent at work, specifically in the office, is the concept of hybrid work. This came to the forefront during the pandemic and is now a point of contention between big corporations demanding employees return to the office and employees who want to primarily work from home.
Gallup reports that the biggest advantages of hybrid work include: “improved work-life balance, more efficient use of time, control over work hours and work location, burnout mitigation, and higher productivity.” Plus, “Employees believe current hybrid arrangements improve their personal well-being and productivity at work.”
Small businesses are often better at managing productivity, so they can more easily maintain a hybrid or virtual working environment. And remember, it’s a powerful employee recruitment tool.
Learn more:
3. Podcast Wisdom