The Small Business Advocate You Need to Meet: Jimmy Newson

The Small Business Advocate You Need to Meet: Jimmy Newson

"A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact on the world you live in." --Nicole Snow, CEO Damn Good Yarn Company

?What comes to mind when you read the phrase small business???

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If you believe, as I do, that small businesses are the heart and soul of the United States, then you need to meet Jimmy Newson. A CEO, business advisor, consultant, digital marketing expert, video producer, and piano player, Jimmy is not only a man of many talents but one of the most passionate advocates for small businesses that I have met.?

Jimmy grew up in Indianapolis, with no external incentive to own a business or grow into the CEO he's become today. That didn't stop him. From the time he was a teenager, all he wanted to be able to do was influence people—helping them and changing the world for the better at the same time. He didn't know exactly how he would do that, but he knew that he would. In the almost four decades since that realization, he's traveled the world and worked with businesses of every industry and size, always committed to that original goal.??

My own story shares many parallels with Jimmy. We are both boys from the Midwest, raised by single mothers, with little more than our internal drive to push us forward. What we lacked in access and external motivations, we more than made up for in discipline, focus, and a willingness to learn. For those who have the desire to build their small businesses, but lack the resources and know-how to do it, we are excited to announce The Small Business CEO Series dedicated to helping small businesses to become CEO’s. ?

We often hear the phrase "natural born" and in Jimmy's case that is the best way to describe his path to entrepreneurship. He was born to do it. This became clear when he was barely a teenager and entered a candy store and realized that he wanted to do more than just consume the sweet treats. With no true understanding of why or how, he bought a box of candy and sold it to his hungry seventh-grade classmates right after 2nd period—the magic hour between breakfast and lunch. It was so successful that others immediately tried to imitate him, something all of us who are entrepreneurs, regardless of age, have had to deal with.?

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From that early contact with entrepreneurship, he traveled an exciting and self-designed path of business that led him to where he is today.?

His experience with the music industry taught him discipline and the importance of always providing value. His work in video production showed him how few businesses knew the importance of marketing or how to get their content seen. Through incredible mentoring, he realized that work-life balance was possible if he found the right team to help him execute his vision. The combination of all those years of mentoring, research, learning, and trial and error, led him to found Moving Forward Small Business.??

Through his lived experience, Jimmy knows first-hand the value of transitioning to a CEO mindset. As he was beginning that process himself, a mutual acquaintance put him and me in contact. His background is part of what makes him the right partner as we embark on our new endeavor for small businesses: The Small Business Series.?

Another essential element of connection that we have is making a positive impact on the world, especially in the small business community. The first time I met Jimmy, he asked me "What do you think of the small business community?" He'd already done his research and was pretty certain that I'd respond the way I did—with my conviction that small business is essential to innovation and quality of life in the United States. My belief stems from dedicating my life to entrepreneurship and business.??

After 19 profitable years as a CEO, 12 years as a Fortune 500 corporate executive, successfully raising money for an internet start-up, plus the requisite failed startup that rounds out my experience, you could say that business is my life. I have dedicated the last 40 years to studying leadership and the previous twelve working with NYC CEOs committed to becoming better leaders. Through thousands of hours of face-to-face meetings with CEOs, I am convinced it can be different. My mission is to positively impact the world through leadership development so all people can flourish.?

Being a small business owner changed the trajectory of my life, and for all the failures and heartaches, I count it as one of my greatest accomplishments. I'm eager to share what I know to help other entrepreneurs make the successful transition to CEO and am certain that Jimmy's expertise and platform are the best ways of doing it.??

Jimmy founded Moving Forward Small Business after numerous clients told him that was the value he was offering them and encouraged him to continue to do so in a more specialized way. He immediately recognized the truth of the feedback. ?

Entrepreneurs know what they want to do; they don't always know how. That's where Moving Forward Small Business comes in. The purpose of the organization is to

"bridge the gap between what a small business has and needs to play big and make an impact due to the lack of resources, including insights, training, tools, networking opportunities, support systems, community outreach, and financial stability.?Connecting the dots, a small business owner and entrepreneur has a fighting chance of making it past the first five years of business and can focus on growth, longevity, sustainability, and impact."

?It is well known that many small businesses fail in the first five years, which is why Jimmy has created the ambitious goal of impacting one million businesses by 2050. Given his drive, openness and creativity, I believe that he will achieve this and I am proud to be contributing to this aim.??

In our Small Business CEO series, we will share insights, actionable tips, and strategies to help small business owners make the transition from entrepreneur to CEO. This ongoing series will have expert content and real-time networking possibilities. Participants who attend the series will learn the role of the CEO, strategy, culture, organizational design, how to increase profit, and how to fulfill purpose, vision, and mission.??

When I asked Jimmy what he wanted to achieve with this series, he told me that fear is an impediment to growth for many small businesses and he wants to help them design the structure that will allow creativity to flow and their dreams to come true. In doing that, he'll be continuing what he established for himself as a young man in high school, to influence people globally in a way that changes lives for the better.?

I have no doubt that this new series is a valuable asset for all small businesses that if implemented can make a positive impact on mindset and encourage you to join us for future webinars.??

Our first webinar on Growing from Entrepreneur to CEO was a success and we are excited to be continuing the series. The next installment The Essence of Strategy will be on May 19, 2022, from 2:00-3:30 PM ET. Make sure you register.

Linda Goldstein

Empowering CEOs & Presidents for Exceptional Growth | Vistage Peer Advisory Chair | Executive Coach | Transformational Strategist | Acclaimed Author & Speaker

2 年

Fascinating story and the Small Business CEO series is a wonderful idea. It will have a big impact and help many entrepreneurs move to the next level. Very exciting!

Nelson Tepfer

Co-Founder & CEO at ProCFO Partners

2 年

Mark Taylor, sounds like a great series to follow.



