Small Acts Make A Big Difference
Ann Wilson
Financial empowerment activist, Author of The Wealth Chef and expert on the TV Series "Save Well, Spend Better"
Thank you…
...your generosity is saving one of the most precious and vulnerable assets we have, our wildlife.
A few weeks ago I set up a “Charity Challenge” to raise funds for two causes:
??Anti-poaching units working tirelessly to look after and protect our wildlife, and
??A food relief programme providing food parcels to people starving due to the Covis crisis and the lockdown measures needed to manage its progression
… and you stepped up.
The amazing Wealth Chef community gets that wealth and financial wellbeing should be a win-win-win and that you can benefit and give at the same time...
And so it is with a huge open heart I am giving you an update on the difference YOU have made…
This thank you message from the Anti-Poaching Unit (APU) is for you.
Thanks to you and your donation via the Charity Challenge, in just the past few days this unit has managed to remove a terrible snare off an elephant whose condition was deteriorating badly, but thanks to you, the vet believes it will live…
Dehorn a rhino to save it from a gruesome death by organised crime syndicates…
Remove an old tracking collar off a lion that was getting too tight.
And increase the APU group patrols and air surveillance.
Thank you…
We’ve made a difference, and I think we can do more!
So I got thinking about what I could offer you, something that would be really useful RIGHT NOW...
Something that you would get massive benefit from for a long, long, long time to come..
And by YOU benefiting, so would one of our most precious assets, our wildlife.
Our wealthy life is created by the choices we make on the outflow.
Learn how to become a wealthy spender.
By teaching you how to get more out of your outflow and learn the hacks of being a Wealthy Spender - I know I will be giving you one of the most powerful wealth skills there is.
Irrespective of what is happening to your current inflow, the “Squeeze the Juice Challenge” , which usually costs $97 to join, will save you loads of dosh and slash your expenses without compromising your lifestyle.
When you contribute $15 or more, I will teach you how to be a Wealthy Spender.
Go here to contribute $15 or any amount you want towards saving our wildlife and you’ll get the complete 30 Day Squeeze The Juice Challenge FREE.
Thank you for becoming the master of your own financial destiny so together we can change the world.
With love and immense gratitude.
P.S 100% of your donations go directly to these causes and I have and will continue to match your contributions $1 for $1. When you contribute $15, $30, or $300 - I am adding the same amount into the contribution pot.
Click here to make your donation and start “Squeezing the Juice” .
P.P.S. Watch a snippet of this Anti-Poaching Units work here >>>
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