Small Acts of Love
I learned as a child to treat others the way you want to be treated. In the Bible it says, "'Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39 NIV) This means to have concern for other people. Concern for their welfare, spirit or their soul. To treat people the way you want to be treated.
I know with me, a kind word goes a long way. Making a connection, even in a small way, can lift a person's spirit and break down the walls that so many people put up. Common courtesy, such as smiling or saying hello as we pass by each other or helping people in some way, can lift both your spirit and also the person your helping in ways you can not measure. Whether it's opening a door, helping to reach an item in the grocery store, letting someone in front of you while driving or simply asking, “How are you doing today?” The small things you do without wanting anything in return are small acts of love. The Greeks called this Agape love.
In any business you need to have a certain amount of common courtesy and respect for people you work with, work for and for your clients. It's a social skill and is normally labeled as Customer Service, but it's more than that. It's an acknowledgement of another human being, that you see them and value them as a person. When a person feels they are not valued or that no one cares about them, their hearts harden and their demeanor towards other people grows ever more negative. You have the power to show love and soften even the most hardened of hearts.
As adults, it's our responsibility to teach our children to treat people the same way as we would like to be treated. Be an example of how to treat others with love and respect. Our children will grow up to be adults, business owners, and leaders of our communities. We must all work towards a more understanding and compassionate World in order to move into a peaceful and prosperous time for all. Otherwise I fear that our differences and inability to communicate because of our biases, will keep us from achieving our full potential.
"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
So, make a difference in someone’s day. Show a small act of love and let a neighbor know you care!