Slowing Down

Slowing Down

I could not submit an article for the issue of last month as I was down with stomach flu. I hope that the readers have noticed it.

During the recovery journey, I procrastinated, shifted or modified my duties, goals and commitments as I was not physically fit as a fiddle. As a result, I slowed down as a person from my usual working pace.

So, this month I will share my ideas about the importance of slowing down in life.

What happens when you slow down?

As a person who takes breaks to recharge the bio-battery within me from time to time, pausing or taking a step back was not a new challenge to myself. It is true that we all live in a fast-moving world. There is no surprise that many of us are stressed out and overwhelmed with the present lifestyle. But what if we could slow down for a while to transform you into a better version of yourself? Have you thought about it before?

Actually, the first thing that I noticed was the speed that I have done things in real life in such a haste while working along with multiple roles.

Is slowing down good for your life?

From my experience, I can share these advantageous points once you take time to pause or slow things down in life.

  • You can focus, recognize and concentrate on the exact areas that needed more attention of yours
  • You can give gratitude for what you already have
  • You can make better decisions with clarity
  • You can reduce your stress and anxiety levels
  • You can boost your creativity
  • It is a time to reflect and reconnect with yourself
  • It gives motivation to pursue your goals properly
  • It provides to enjoy life’s simple pleasures
  • It restores your equilibrium in life

Can you slow down with self-discipline? It is bit hard as you are moving opposite to the pace of the world even for a small period. Here are the things that I do in my life when I slow down occasionally.

From the time we wake up, we are exposed to poly-focal attention as we try to multitask in life. When you slow down you need to be conscious about where your attention is directed all the time. Practicing mindfulness by meditation is my key ingredient of physical and mental equilibrium.

Additionally, practice silence in your own me time. Let go of things for a while if they are not life or death problems. Time can play as a healing agent too.

It is better not to be a slave of your mobile. Try to look around the natural environment too by being at the present. Once you look into your near and dear persons eyes, I know you really do not want to miss the quality time with them. The automatic connection that comes in such situations will ring a bell in your head to slow down.

Always keep in mind that you are not an actor or an actress in the movie of ‘The Fast and The Furious’. Your driving limit is different as you are a unique person in this world.

While doing so, accept your limitations and say “No” to the rush. As a super woman in action, I have my quota of saying ‘No’ to some activities in a particular month according to prioritization basis of important and urgent.

Do not forget to have some fun by laughing and connecting with people too. Still, I have never let the kid version to die inside myself. Doing things differently to break the monotonous life is an important part of your well-being.

Always remember your HEALTH should be your real WEALTH.

(This article originally appeared in Probe August 2023 issue)


