"Slow and Steady wins the race... !!!"?

"Slow and Steady wins the race... !!!"

Trust we have all heard the Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" in our childhood, where a tortoise challenged the hare for a race, post being affronted over the speed, and ends up winning the same because of his diligent approach. On the other hand, the hare, who was quite confident over his speed and who was initially leading the race, decides to take a nap in-between and that's how lost the almost-won race.

As a kid, my major takeaway from the story was "Do not doubt anyone's competence as one can never know what the other person is capable of until they decide to show", however, over the time, I realized that the other important lesson this story taught us is "Keep moving and you will certainly win the race even when it looks impossible or foolish at the first!! "

"It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela

On the whole, the proverb states that persistence/continuous efforts in the right direction can change the end results of any situation. In our daily lives, we find ourselves in the situations where giving up seems quite an easy thing to do than competing or fighting back, but one should remember that those are the only situation which demands steady and consistent approach in the manner to turn the table around. No matter how slow you are moving, You are moving and this is important. It might take a little more time to reach the destination but your efforts and journey will be worth it and even when you win, do not stop your hustle to learn more and to grow more.

“Don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.” - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam


