"Slow down. You're doing fine..."
Have you heard it playing inside your head?
I only knew that line in the Billy Joel Vienna song and nothing else.
But it does speak sense.
"Slow down. You're doing fine."
Of course, I Googled the rest of the lyrics just now.
I may not resonate with every word in that music piece, but one thing is sure.
That one line is probably enough of a reminder to any busy person today.
Slow down, my friend.
If you're too busy with work that you couldn't sleep and eat well any longer...
Then most likely I'm not the very first person to tell you you're being too busy.
To be fair, I don't really know your situation.
Who knows if you had to be fully booked just to survive a particular pit?
So, I could just be babbling here without showing any empathy.
To be honest, it's a little above normal for me to try to empathize with anyone.
To make it easier, I could only share with you my own perspective.
And today, I'll just keep it short.
Dear friend,
The road of abundance doesn't have to be an overwhelming one.
Earning online—whether it's in the form of freelancing, affiliate marketing, or selling your own products—
This venture doesn't have to be grueling.
We can experience abundant life in the here and now without having to stress ourselves out.
In fact, that line I just threw in there is quite ironic.
If I'm getting lots of money and yet I'm too overworked (notice the stretch?), that won't really spell abundance for me.
What's abundant for me is being able to experience freedom and flow in terms of time, creativity, expression, financial reward, and the capacity to give.
How would you know if such is the case for yourself?
One key is self-awareness.
If you know what kinds of activities actually give you energy as you're doing them...
That is, you're really enjoying them instead of getting exhausted by them...
Then you're on your way to knowing your Ikigai, i.e., your "reason for being."
And for most people, living according to their Ikigai actually gives them joy, satisfaction, and a feeling of abundance.
Do you want that?
Slow down, and take time to rediscover things that make you happy.
Notice the word "rediscover."
Most likely, you already know what makes you laugh and smile.
Often, the average Joe would've experienced those simple joys in childhood.
Too busy now to think about those?
I mean... your own sources of childhood laughter?
It's probably high time to pause a bit and do that rediscovery.
You see, once you've learned how you can easily create value and gain value in return—in this context, a monetary value—
It's likely you already got that feeling of wanting more.
But did you realize this "more" doesn't always have to mean more money?
In fact, some people would love the opposite.
They'd realize life isn't just about money and possessions.
Some of them fall in love with the art of creation itself.
So they embrace it.
They flow.
And they flourish in their freedom to simply get creative.
Wouldn't you rather have that experience today?
Slow down. You're doing fine.