Slow Down to Speed Up

Slow Down to Speed Up

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas just around the corner, December is the perfect time for government contractors to take advantage of opportunities that can help them get ahead. It is a slower month compared to the rest of the year and provides an excellent opportunity to get ahead on your 2023 goals. Assuming you’ve already set those revenue goals, the next couple of weeks can be focused on detail work that gets lost in the sauce during the busy seasons. Let’s dive into what you can do this December!?

Deep Research on Agencies You Want to Work With?

Doing deep research on #agencies you want to work with is key for getting ahead in the new year. Look beyond forecasted contracts and ask yourself who are the incumbents? Knowing who holds existing contracts gives insight into who your competitors will be, as well as what skillsets or qualifications are necessary for future procurements. This knowledge allows you to form a competitive edge over other bidders and increase your chances at winning contracts from January onwards.

What are some small requirements that each agency needs? While it’s important to select 3-5 mammoth contracts that you would like to pursue, don’t forget about smaller procurements as they can help build your reputation within the government sector.

Networking Opportunities Ahead?

December is also a great month for looking ahead at #networking opportunities. Are there any oral presentations or meetings you could request from contracting officers? During pre-solicitation phases many contracting officers are open for industry presentations. Going above and beyond by requesting oral presentations will help raise your visibility and reputation among potential customers.?If this sounds intimidating, don’t worry; our comprehensive course on preparing oral presentations has all the information you need to get started.?

P.S - tune in to our socials every Friday to get an updated list of weekly events for business owners and contractors!

Writing Proposals

The last tip for taking advantage of December, is writing proposals, and preparing #bids. Writing up compliant proposals takes time and skill; now is the time to make some smart hires or up skill through a course. Drafting the repeatable parts of your proposals can save hours of headaches later down the line when the bid is due. If you already have #proposal templates, now is the time to read through and update as necessary. Little details like outdated services, expired licenses, etc. make your firm look sloppy and behind the eight ball. By standardizing your proposals, you also eliminate variables. This is handy when trying to figure out why something was rejected or accepted.

December is a slow but crucial period for #governmentcontractors; by taking advantage of this down time, you can set yourself up for success come 2023. Do research on incumbents and simple requirements, plan for networking opportunities like oral presentations, and make sure that when January rolls around, you are ready to hit the ground running! By taking these steps now, you can ensure that 2022 ends on a high note—and prepare yourself for exciting growth come next year!


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