Slow Down, My Love
This past month was unexpectedly disorienting. I was?disconnected from myself feeling like an?outsider in my own mind and body. No, I wasn’t hijacked by aliens, but it certainly felt that way. I observed that I was going through the motions to function the best I could do, but, for the life of me, I couldn’t get back on track. I finally experienced the sparks of a reconnection while doing yoga this week. As I sat in child’s pose readying to dive into the flow, I found myself wiping away tears of gratitude. I?was on my way home and beginning to feel like my old self. As I went through the routine, I found my balance and breath in every pose at a level that was amiss for a long time. When we don’t feel like ourselves, it’s natural to feel lost, confused and full of self-doubt.?In this week’s blog, I share how slowing down is sometimes necessary to strengthen the bond with our inner core, which allows for more vigor, certainty, and clarity.??
Limit comparison?
In terms of work, I took it easy this past month. I didn’t have the confidence or drive to network, market myself, or connect with anyone professionally. With this step, I had to mindfully and consciously limit any comparisons with other professionals. My journey was my own, and any unhealthy competition would have been an unwelcome hiccup leading to more despair and doubt.?
As a result, every time I caught myself drawing comparisons or worrying that I wasn’t doing enough, I reminded myself that I needed to take a break. It was a mental break, but it was necessary to rebuild my confidence and face my fears.??
When uncertainty and mental fog?arise, pause to reflect and inquire what your spirit needs. The more you fight its cries for help, the more untethered you begin to feel. ?
Empower yourself?
Somewhere, my confidence was shattered, and?I needed to reestablish it. I spent moments with myself where I dug deep to tap into my resilient and powerful self. I took the liberty to pause while I figured out this interruption. I also allowed myself to be vulnerable by openly accepting and sharing my feelings with the people close to me. ??
Giving myself the choice to take a step back without feeling guilty was the most empowering decision in the right direction.?In case you’ve forgotten, please know that you are allowed to slow down; you’re allowed to cater to your own needs no matter how trivial they might seem; and you’re allowed to feel all the feels. Empower yourself to allow all of that and more.?
Set realistic expectations?
Since I wasn’t giving the required time and effort to my work, I was in no position to expect any major positive developments on that front. Regardless, I was aware that the personal interval was an act to prepare for the?miracles in my life again. After all, miracles are a result of consistency, hard work, and faith. ?
I wasn’t completely cut off from my business endeavors, but I wasn’t going as hard as I had been in the past. My sole expectation was to nurture my soul to come back stronger. I was too?depleted creatively and emotionally, so refilling my bucket was necessary if I wanted to keep doing meaningful work. ?
No matter which season you’re in professionally or personally, when you feel off kelter, set realistic goals and expectations to?not disappoint yourself further. ?
Pick your people?
During my hiatus,?I was intentional about the people I interacted with closely. I carefully chose what to share and with whom as I needed love, protection, and sound advice during this time. I drowned out the unhelpful noise and chatter. This effort not only helped me hear my thoughts but also absorb and evaluate the words of wisdom I?received from the people who matter. This step was a way to filter, listen to my heart, and slow down to determine the next steps. ?
When you permit yourself to take a step back and slow down, you finally understand the sound advice of others and?hear the whispers of your heart in the cacophony of the world.??
Release your emotions?
Crying is one of the most cathartic ways for me to heal and that is exactly what I did. I was so vulnerable and fragile that the slightest provocation and criticism would get the best of me. Even in those moments when I wallowed, I realized that it was not always going to be this way. I was acutely aware that soon the clouds would vanish for the sun to shine. ?
Purge and process your emotions in ways that are healthy for you. It is easy to reach for distractions that numb the pain, but that’s a temporary solution. When emotions are left unacknowledged, they linger to?show up again and again.?
Keep exploring?
I knew what I didn’t want to spend my time and energy on, but I wasn’t opposed to exploring other ways to connect with myself. I attended a book club meeting, which turned out to be time spent well. I also interacted with people I was interested in getting to know. ?
Isolation was not the solution, but consciously choosing what I wished to experience was a worthy option. For instance, I?fully immersed myself in celebrating one of the major Indian festivals, Rakhi. It was a new and welcoming experience for me as I’d never celebrated with such sincerity or affection. I showed up to family gatherings and even watched a movie that I would typically avoid. Granted, I walked out of the theatre halfway through it, but it was still an adventure for me! ?
Slowing down is not about shutting all doors; it’s merely about closing the ones that are of disservice to you and keeping the others wide open.??
Keep doing what works?
During my gap month, I stuck to the activities and commitments that help me thrive. They gave me a sense of control and, ultimately, kept me afloat. For example,?I continued working out, but I chose simpler and less intense exercises. I also kept up with other self-care practices as much as I possibly could. I?wavered a few times but got?back on track when?remembering how these practices benefit my overall wellness. ?
Being healthy is not always about making the right choices every single time; it’s also about getting back to those right choices as quickly as possible when you veer off course.??
I am grateful for slowing down when I did. Or else, it would have escalated to burnout, which is harder to overcome. The self-doubt and low confidence were making me work doubly hard towards goals that felt untrue and impossible. With a stronger and coherent mindset, I can finally ramp back up and get going. I hope you slow down if and when you need it, because the more you are not yourself, the greater the toll it will take on you. Your path may differ, and your course might be different, but when you eventually listen to your heart, you pursue your passion without abandon.?
As always, I am here to support you all the way. I hope you keep in touch with your stories, thoughts, and feedback. If you wish to learn more, please stop by Lastly, if you enjoyed this information, then please share it with others.?
My guide to create your vision available here:
THIS WEEK: Add some humor to your life with Up Ad Lib, a 1-minute hilarious nursing story in your inbox, every day. Read, shake your head, and send it on. Take a peek here:
Check out this week’s wellness video content on YouTube: How to Manage Self-doubt Like a Boss?
All the best,?