Slovenian tourism flourishes: foreign guest numbers and overnight stays surge in the first half of the year
Slovenian Tourist Board
Our Slovenia ??A green boutique global destination for high-end visitors seeking diverse and active experiences & peace.
Slovenia's tourism soared in the first half of 2023 with 6% more arrivals and 4% more overnight stays compared to last year. Foreign guests led the growth, with 39% more arrivals and 32% more overnight stays, just 1% below the 2019 level. Domestic guest arrivals dropped by a third compared to the same period last year when tourist vouchers were available, but they generated more overnight stays.
Slovenian tourism nears pre-pandemic levels: Domestic and foreign guests' ratio of stays & arrivals improves (29:71) (32:68)
By the end of June, Slovenia welcomed?a significant number of foreign guests from Germany, with almost 250,000 arrivals - more than a quarter higher than the previous year. German guests also dominated in terms of overnight stays, generating almost 651,000, accounting for 10% of all overnight stays or 15% of all foreign overnight stays. Tourists from Italy also showed remarkable growth, with 218,000 Italian guests arriving - nearly 60% more than in the first half of the previous year. Guests from Austrian ranked third with a 25% increase from the same period last year. Both German and Austrian markets also surpassed 2019 levels, while Italian tourist numbers remained 12% behind.
In the first half of the year,?mountain municipalities?saw the highest number of overnight stays, followed by spa and seaside municipalities, with Ljubljana recording a 28% increase in overnight stays.
According to the European Travel Commission (ETC),?European tourism's recovery is ongoing, with international tourist arrivals reaching approximately 95% of the 2019 level. Furthermore, a quarter of European destinations have surpassed their pre-pandemic levels in terms of foreign tourist arrivals.
Slowenien hat viel zu bieten, auch für den Herbst und kommenden Winter. Ein sehr vielf?ltiges Angebot macht Slowenien so sehenswert. Deswegen steigen auch eure übernachtungszahlen. Busfreundliche qualitative & nachhaltige Grü?e nach Slowenien sendet euch das Gruppenreise Ziele Team.