Is Slovak language for you ?
Why to learn Slovak language ?
When you are in Slovakia, then is better to know Slovak language.
In this article I?will tell you why ?
You will have more friends when you speak Slovak, and also you will know more things what is happening around you.
You will undestand more languages, when you know Slovak then you undestand Czech language, Polish language, Ukraninian language, Russian langauge and other slavic languages.
You will have more opprotunities to meet and talk with people, Slovak people can tell you more about our country and customs.
You will be able to talk? at the doctor′s in a?shops in offices ,markets and so on.
You can find life partner here if you have not any.
?You can have discounts in shops if you know how to talk.
You can find job here more easily.
If you have here your own business then you can talk and undestand your customers.
People can help you if you know their language.
People can show you our beautiful nature.
If you want to learn Slovak language, you can have a?look at my website or you can call me +421949620017