A Slogan without a Precise Message “My body is my right”, adds to Confrontation in the Gender Harmonious Relationship (P-1/6)

“O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.”                                                (V-4:1)

In human life, mutual competition to dominate the partner, affects in all aspects of life, including marriage and normal sexual relation which is the part of natural process of multiplication in a generation. The clashes, family court cases, sexual harassment, molestring and abusing children etc. in the western culture turned into to gay, lesbian, same sex activities. It also reminded about the Lut nation of a poor end. The religious people in the Muslim marriages with western women, has made it an alarming trend against the set human standard of life. As a psychotherapist, I have been dealing variant cases in USA about child custody, family rights, single parent issues, sexual abuse etc. This phenomenon of women rights and power is socially given a great weight and turn it to be a great moment in the world. While visiting Pakistan in the beginning of this year (2020), I was astonished to see debates going on in the social media about the glamorous women procession in a sound Muslim country with the slogan “MAIRA JISM MAIRI MURZI (My body is my right)”.

Primarily I thought it is a commercial advertisement for a new fabric brand by certain NGO but later on found it a new moment about women rights. At a glance, responded to it that is a hasty, abnormal, narcissist person’s attempt for attention seeking motive to involve the public in this funny statement. My friends requested me to draw a clinical analysis of the abnormal statement to see whether it is female reaction to a dominant male society or impact of charming liberal social media glamorous picture for self-recognition under repression. Later on when I read a verdict of judge in favor of the narrator to appease under the delicate female respect, I think it is my moral and professional duty to present authentic data for the masses particularly for the new generation and teen-age for awareness about human nature, feminine rights and duties as a successful couple in life, morality aspects, disciplined life, genders role, marriage trends, sex, romance role participation, family unit, divorce etc.

It is hard to present the clinical analysis without authentic case history and session observation of the narrator of the slogan. Keeping in view the future role of social media, I will request the reader to apply reasoning, observation, irrespective of the gender or personal intuitions, while reading and drawing conclusion out of it. So, the data is provided for the awareness of the sensitive human practical life issues. So, one may differ due to its cultural norms and personal attitudes, it is up to the reader People are often tricked by the illusory pictures or slogan based on an empty whistles make much noise but they do not have awareness of slow poisoning of such propaganda in an established family system. Mostly they forget to see the impact of chatting in a commercial and liberal society where human body and values have a price to achieve personal satisfaction. So, instead of playing hypocrisy in social interaction, one should be bold to face the facts objectively the realities of the life.

The basic component of a an individual’s personality is (P: (H+E)t), in which socio-cultural shape the psych (RUH- inner self) of person. Whatever a person react in an environment is based on the case history (life experience and treatment by the significant other at a certain age level. So, nothing is by chances rather it is the built-in anxiety, aggression and complex which triggers a response by the concerned person. In order to comprehend the complicated psychology of human beings, I will suggest keeping in mind the clinical impressions of human psychology disclosed 1450 years ago by the Creator for the clinical insight. The clinical traits are presented in the first chapter of the book on “Glimpses of Human Nature and Islamic Guidance for Peace”. As the formal education based on human concepts that keep on varying with time and cultural variances .whereas the Creator knowledge is definite, natural, objective and everlasting for passing a peaceful creative life. The psychologist, social worker and clinician keep on changing theories about mankind like homosexuality, gay/lesbian right, single marriages which were considered abnormal behavior during my university studies, now has been declared as normal human behavior

After Adam’s creation, Hawwa his mating partner was created for the company and multiplication process. The men mostly rush for certain minutes to relief his sexual starvation but it is the greatness of women who are blessed with patience and tolerance with essential function of breeding the children and maintain the pair unity in house affairs. Perhaps, the originator of the slogan have forgotten that women is not just a symbol of body or beauty to attract other and gain personal benefits for the peak time in life but one must be alert that with the passing time when apparent beauty faded like a make-up, in the old age even great single celebrity who have ruled over the screen, left alone and sometimes pass hardships of life alone in a nursing home just waiting someone to see or share the inner pains. Moreover, as a human beings, she has forgotten that woman has not just appeared by herself rather has prestigious blood-related relation like daughter, sister, mother, wife or a sweet trust-able sincere teacher, friend cousin etc. who generates the basic psychological needs of love, security, belonging, respect, mutual understanding and appreciation to keep life pleasant and peaceful against the world challenges.

A narcissistic personality mostly involves a pattern of grandiose behaviors with an exaggerated sense of self. According to current findings, these individuals are preoccupied with unrealistic images of power and success. Moreover, they often consider others as inferior to them. Such person tends to believe he or she is special and unique and requires excessive admiration from others. These individuals are not very good at having empathy, nor are they interested in trying to understand how other people feel. It’s common for the person to refuse treatment. As such people are rigid and defensive in nature; therefore they remain in body buffer zone and likes body seeking lust, has least involvement in active mating, so seek relief in self-pleasuring activities for the id impulses.  At times those who have no specific goal of life are empty from the natural bonds or stated psychological needs, under desperation with feelings of loneliness may even commit the suicide.

The slogan appeared to contradictory to female nature. It’s human nature that under complexes or frustration they react as defense mechanism of inferiority complex. So, it is hard to believe that while in Islamic traditions and the Qur’an, why the slogan has gain a social momentum?

In fact, women have been given the best rights, honor, protection, respect, security and protection as a master of the house and family affairs than any system or institutions. No doubt women are equally footed along men in national growth and each segment of the state but a blunt female statement over female body is ridiculous as it may turn the friend into foe in a traditional Muslim state. In every segment of society, they are playing a key role in producing families with honor. So, instead of making body level appeal as superiority to dominate the opposite sex that failed even to get support of matured women, it would have been far better if they would have stressed female compulsory in-door vocational education for the underdeveloped female areas, family economic development schemes, child development techniques, personality innovation methods for the adult girls, awareness of men psychology and effective communication sexual signals to have permanent hold on the husbands.   ”.                      Cont……..                 


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