Slipping the switch
While doing my usual social media rounds, I stumbled upon an image depicting a philosophical dilemma called "the trolley problem."
Imagine a train running quickly down the tracks. On one track, there are five people, and on the other, there is only one. If you had the power to intentionally divert the train between the two tracks, which one would you choose? Would you choose for the train to run over five people or one person?
Pause! Reply or comment with what you would do.
In the real world, engineers have already solved this problem through a technique called "slipping the switch." This method derails the train by forcing some of the train wheels to move onto one track while the others move to the next track, causing the train to move sideways and ultimately come to a halt.
Why is this solution very relevant to us?
Life isn't always binary; it isn't always black or white. Most times, when you think your back is against the wall and you have to choose between two clear-cut options, there might be a third option that you haven't considered yet.
Remember, it's not over until it's over. There are often other options that you haven't considered. When faced with a seemingly impossible decision, take a step back and look for alternative solutions. Don't limit yourself to the obvious choices; instead, think creatively and explore unconventional paths. By doing so, you may find a way to "slip the switch" and discover a solution that saves the day without compromising your values or forcing you to make an impossible choice.