Slingshot contributes to MyCityRides breaking down scooter license barrier

Slingshot contributes to MyCityRides breaking down scooter license barrier

Overview of MyCityRides

MyCityRides fights poverty by training, equipping, and supporting program participants to own a reliable and inexpensive vehicle which increases income and has positive, measurable health benefits.

Slingshot's Contribution

Slingshot conducted best practices research and identified limited efforts were being pursued to help enhance transportation policies and related systems. Slingshot shared several ways in which MyCityRides could start to engage in these types of efforts.

MyCityRides' Actions

MyCityRides evaluated Slingshot's opportunity and identified a barrier for people to obtain a scooter license: it also required knowledge of operating a motorcycle. MyCityRides has been actively involved in advocating for and developing scooter licensing regulations with Tennessee State Legislators.

Poverty-Fighting Impact

Increased access to affordable transportation options, such as scooters, can positively impact individuals' financial well-being. MyCityRides' efforts to make scooter licenses more accessible played a crucial role in expanding access to this transportation mode. This accessibility contributed to a significant 35% increase in new riders between 2021 and 2022. Additionally, research indicates that households transitioning from zero to one vehicle can experience an average increase of $8,000 in annual income, highlighting the financial benefits of improved transportation options.

Links to Learn More

Learn more about Slingshot's Impact

Learn more about MyCityRides

Review the 2023 Impact Study for MyCityRides


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