Slightly Real Is Entirely Fake
Sometimes we have to let go of things when we realize that they were never real in the first place. Sometimes, we have wings we never knew we had. Wings to fly away from all that is fake. Sometimes, after a lifetime of searching for the truth, we realize the truth that fairies really do exist. Being a mystic, believing in magic, is much different than the hypocrisy that is rife in our society.
I crave authenticity. As I reflect on the last decade of my life, I feel like the slowest learner in the world. I wrote and recorded this song (link below) over a decade ago, yet I still find myself being shocked by the illusions of so many people. It is all very humbling. Every day, as St. Benedict stated, we must begin again.
Things often are not what they seem. How do we spot the illusions more quickly? I think we must heal the illusions within ourselves.
This song is about irony of some relationships. So, I wrote it to lyrically express irony.
Enjoy. Click the link below to listen.