Are sliding doors a threat to the bi-folding door?
Vue Lite Sliding Doors
Trade manufacture and supplier of lift and slide patio doors
Bi-folding doors have been around for some time and they are a product that the consumer knows and loves - but are they for everyone?
Aluminium lift and slide doors are relatively new to the consumer and at first many think they are hard to open given their sheer size. However they only need to try to open one of our doors to see that with 2 fingers the lift and slide mechanism easily allows you to push up to 300kg of glass with 2 fingers. That could be a 2500mm wide door!
And once customers see their view without the many meeting stiles required for bi-folding doors they are often won over.
The pull of bi-folding doors is often the ability to open up the entire wall to a garden area. On paper this seems like an idyllic idea but given our not so consistent British weather, in reality how often would you want the whole aperture open? Even in the best of summer days many homeowners would rethink opening their entire room to the elements.
Also with both double and triple track options it is possible with sliders to open either half or two thirds of a aperture. With clever architecture solutions and a pocket wall the entire door can be slide out of sight.
There will always be a marketing for the bi-folding door, but with the benefits of the lift and slide becoming more widely known the public are making the switch
Talk to VueLite on 01392 268080 or download our brochure