A Slick Lookin' Sales Pitch
''Good looks can open doors, good hair blows 'em off the hinges!" ~ Sam Malone (Cheers)
?You know, I think Sam Malone was onto something there.
Good hair is extremely underrated.
Think about the last time you got a good haircut.?
I bet you felt a little boost in self-confidence. I bet it put a little pep in your step.?
I believe a?good haircut can make you look (at least) 10% better looking. And when you look and feel sharp, you tend to romp through the day, don't you?
Hence the saying, "Having a good hair day."
How does any of this relate to selling more of your wares?
Well, come in closer, Slick, and I'll tell you.
Listen, when people try to improve their sales pages, they'll tweak their headlines, their bullets, and try and improve their overall copy. That's all well and good, but there's something else you should be paying far more attention to.
There's something else (that's very underrated) that if improved, will have far more impact, effect, and influence on your results. What is this underrated element?
It's this:
Your Offer!
Simply put:
Good sales pitches can make you?sales, but good offers can make your sales go through the roof!
Look at your current offers.?
How can you make them so irresistible that buying from you becomes a no-brainer?
Think on it some.
Hey, want my best sales, copywriting, and persuasion secrets??
Well, you ain't gonna get 'em in these here emails.?
They are reserved for my inner circle members.?
How do you become an inner circle member? C'mon, that's the easy part. The real question is: are you worthy of joining?
I'm serious.?
If you have a fixed mindset, this ain't for you.?
However, if you have a growth mindset (a far higher bar than you think), you're invited here: https://kelvindorsey.com/mavericks-inner-circle/
Your friend,
P.S. (Warning: blue humor ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you)
Not many people can brag about getting a handjob from their hairdresser after a haircut, but then again, not many people cut their own hair.
You had to read it, didn't you?