Slice & Dice – How to Maximize your Content & Social Marketing
Image Created by Brittany Cupp

Slice & Dice – How to Maximize your Content & Social Marketing

You run a busy business and everyone’s telling you social media, content, social media, content! It can be overwhelming, we get it. With all the digital clutter out there, how do you stand out and more importantly manage it all? One of the best ways to optimize your time and efficiently manage content and social is the slice and dice concept.

Slice and dice, is that the ninja game? Well yes, but no. It’s really thinking about creating a few major pieces of content or key concepts that you can segment into mini messages. These mini spin-off concepts will not only help you continue to send a message to your audience, but will also give them options to find your content in the ways that they like to consume information. Plus you’ll gain more things to talk about on social and better manage your time.

Read full article at BCI Media Services.

Jesse Fahrenz

Account Executive | Sales

8 年

Brittany this is a great article. You can easily loose customers that see your content dominating the feed. Do it smart and keep it classy.



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