Slew of Specialities Ugadi brings : Hallmark of Unity in Diversity is one such:
“India through festivals like Diwali is continuing ancient indigenous celebrations that have been disappearing throughout the world. Important that these sacred events are honored and continued globally. They hold the greater spiritual heritage of humanity..”: Dr. David Frawley.
Being home to a cluster of cultures and practices, the Hindu new year is naturally celebrated?under a variety of different names, Baisakhi in Punjab; Bohag Bihu in the North Eastern States; Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra; Jude Sheetal in Bihar, Jharkhand; Puthandu in TN; Yugadi in Karnataka; and Ugadi in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
The names of the festivals may be different, the customs and traditions are unique to particular festival of each region, but the resultant messages of hope, sustained development, unity in diversity and love are ultimately the same.
Ugadi — which is derived from Sanskrit words?yuga, meaning age and?adi?meaning beginning — is “the beginning of a new age”. ?This festival falls on “Chaitra Shudhdha Paadyami” — the first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of?Chaitra. A joyous celebration signifying the fading of cold days as the warm weather of spring sets in,?Ugadi, like most Hindu spring festivals, is a time for new beginnings, as the longer and brighter days invigorates and inspires hope for prosperous growth in one’s work, relationships, and spiritual practices.
Ugadi is celebrated with great fanfare and in very high spirits with new clothes, exchanging of gifts, giving charity to the poor, delicious traditional cuisines, including specially prepared pachchadi etc. ?
Drawings of colourful patterns and decorations ?are made on the floor which are known as?Muggulu?(in Telugu)and?Rangoli?(in Kannada). House entrances are decked up with toranalu(mango leaf decorations). People visit temples as they step into a New Year. ?Taking an early-morning-oil-bath is the major tradition that people follow on this day with the religious faith that Goddess Ganga dwells in water and Goddess Lakshmi ?resides in oil.
On this auspicious day, lets wish for wellness and prosperity for all besides praying for prevalanzS of ?peace the world over.?