My wife, Divya, a Partner at law firm Kochhar & Co., is attending a conference in Paris. She flew out of Bombay at an unearthly hour of 4 in the morning.
I have taken the day off; so I am here on Linkedin.
“Why do flights take off and land in the middle of the night?” asked my colleague Kinjal. So, here is a story.
My Dad went to London in 1948 to participate in the Olympics. He was lucky to fly Air India International’s first flight to London; in a Constellation which hopped to the UK, over 24 hours. Four piston driven engines needed fuel stops, and the speed was slow. Took off in daylight and landed in daytime.
How does that fit in with our story?
Londoners did not quite appreciate the roar of aircraft taking off and landing, especially at night. Maybe it was an after effect of V-2 raids a few years earlier. But the outcome was: No arrivals and departures at night. And as a leader in post war world matters, all had to obey. So, the rest of the world had to time their flights to the sleeping and waking patterns of the British.
The flights are shorter in time now. Unfortunately, the system is in place and continues. And I am taking the day off today to recuperate.
Someone needs to take this up. We need to sleep at night. At least, I do.