Sleep Habits

Sleep Habits

#Sleep #Habits

5 Signs - Your sleep habits aren't working for you.

1) Your Mind is Foggy

2) You are unhappy

3) You are getting sick a lot

4) You are struggling with weight

5) Your workouts feel too hard

#Preparing #For a #Good #Nights #Sleep

As odd it sounds your path to high quality sleep starts in morning.

#Wake #At #The #Right #Time

You will feel better and more alert if you wake up from a light sleep stage.

#Be #Awakened #By #Light

This naturally raises cortisol the slow rise helps alert and relaxed.

#Limit #Caffeine & #Alcohol

Consuming caffeine after 2 pm and/or having more than 1-2 drinks in the evening can interfere with deep sleep.

#Limit #Fluids

Drinking too much liquid before bed can result in frequent waking for bathroom breaks.


Regular exercise helps normalize your body's 24-hour clock and optimize your hormone levels.

#Clear #Your #Mind

Whatever thoughts are in your head, get them out on to paper. This preps you for genuine relaxation.

#Sleep #At-least #Seven #Hours

Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you're getting far less now. That's okay. Just work your way up slowly.

#Tips #For #Better #Sleep

???? Turn off electronics

???? De-stress

???? Take a bath or shower

???? Create a relaxing sleep area

???? Set your room to a neutral temperature

?? Make the room as dark as possible

#Ali #Mohammed #Lifestyle #Coach #Nutritionist #Fitness #Expert #Anti #Ageing #Specialist #Personal #Trainer #AM


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