We imagine that we are inspired by people we look up to. We believe what we feel in our chests when we are motivated by something. We trust our instinct and share our brainwave with others. We think through the mental stimulation that rides like a wave through our being, and we are invigorated by it. We get excited and we think, we finally have purpose and direction. And then,…our numbers for the lottery did not come in. We hit a flat space and we long for that moment when we so enjoyed dreaming about all those zeroes in our bank account. If you have felt this, then you are not alone. There is one thing that you have not considered. Exactly how you felt at that time, when you were sure you were going to win the lottery, is exactly the feeling that is available to you all the time. Nothing physical had happened. It was all in your mind. If having those feelings is only a thought away, then you should pursue thinking more like that, more often. There are other ways to feel strong and in control, but first you have to recognise that you are at the moment not in control. You have been on autopilot for a long time and have not been aware of it. This is how a slave is kept. Out of touch with your humanity and continuously fighting for someone else’s cause. You are able, if you are willing. Be a Maverick leader and lead yourself.