Slang, 34: 5 phrases in English Euphemisms, 18, Polysemy 175: 5 terms in Spanish Slang, 35: 5 phrases in Portuguese slang

Slang, 34: 5 phrases in English Euphemisms, 18, Polysemy 175: 5 terms in Spanish Slang, 35: 5 phrases in Portuguese slang

Slang, 34: 5 phrases in English Euphemisms, 15, Polysemy 175: 5 terms in Spanish Slang, 35: 5 phrases in Portuguese slang


Slang Terms in English and definitions: “all the fuc**, all the rage, all wet, all wind and piss, along for the ride”

?1) all the fuc**s I give: I don't care

Observation: in informal vulgar English, when a person does not care about something he often says he does not give a fuc**

?2) all the rage: very popular

Observation: In the sense above, it means it is a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm, and not a violent and uncontrolled anger or fit of violent wrath, some of the more common non-slang meanings.

?3) all wet: completely wrong, complete incorrect

Observation: Although usually “wet” is the antonym of “dry”, in the phrase “all wet” it means completely wrong.

?4) all wind and piss: all talk and no action, no substance

Observation: informal and/or vulgar ways of saying defecate and urinate: in other words, all appearances and no action or substance

?5) along for the ride: taking a passive role

Observation: to emphasize the lack of one’s will to do something, but rather just tagging along.


Euphemisms in Spanish, some of which are polysemantic: “carajaula, carajote, cazurro, cenizo, cenutrio”


1) [literally, cage face]

2) incompetent, incapable


1) incompetent, incapable


1) dummy, idiot

2) devious malicious


1) ash-colored, ashy

2) white goosefoot, wild orach

3) killjoy, wet blanket, spoilsport


1) donkey

2) fool, dunce

3) a person that is gullible and easy to take advantage of

Informal Portuguese, slang in Portuguese: “a árvore se conhece pelos frutos, à baila, a bangu, à be?a, a beleza está nos olhos de quem vê” and the their meaning in English

A árvore se conhece pelos frutos [The tree is known through its fruits]

A m?e ou o p?e s?o o espelho para os filhos [The mother of father are the mirror for the children]

The apple does not fall far from the tree

à baila

mencionar [mention], citar no momento oportuno [cite at the appropriate time]

come up, bring up, keep coming up

a bangu

de qualquer maneira [in any way], de qualquer forma [in any form], sem os cuidados necessários [without necessary care]

doing whatever it takes

à be?a

abundamente [abundantly], de maneira copiosa [in a plentiful way], muito [very]

very much, immensely

a beleza está nos olhos de quem vê

é quando a pessoa está linda e para alguns n?o é [it is when the person is pretty and for some is not pretty]

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder


Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章

