Skyscrapers and Hookers: The Path We Chose and the One We Abandoned

Skyscrapers and Hookers: The Path We Chose and the One We Abandoned

Look around you, and what do you see? Skyscrapers scraping the heavens, cities glittering like jewels in the night, and economies parading their riches. From the towering glass structures to the glowing billboards, we are told this is the pinnacle of human achievement. It is the epitome of progress, they say—a sign of civilisation's rise. But dig deeper, and what do we find? A world sinking into corruption, where true justice, equity, and morality are being cast aside in favour of greed, excess, and vanity. The grand towers of materialism rise higher, yet beneath them, the cries of the oppressed grow louder.

Have we truly progressed, or have we been deceived by the false promises of this world? Is this wealth we see, this power, this opulence—truly the sign of prosperity? Or is it the manifestation of Shaitan’s whispers, pulling us further away from the path of righteousness, the path laid down by Allah (SWT)?

Islam, in its divine wisdom, presents us with a model of justice, equity, and compassion. Yet, despite this clear guidance, many have abandoned this path for the destructive promises of Shaitan. We are living the consequences of this betrayal, and the time has come to awaken and reclaim the path that was shown to us by Allah and His Messenger (PBUH).

1. The Divine Mandate of Wealth Distribution: A Command from Allah vs. The Devil’s Call for Hoarding

In the Quran, Allah (SWT) is clear—wealth is not to be hoarded, but to be shared. This is not merely a suggestion or a recommendation; it is a divine command, engraved in the teachings of Islam. Wealth is a trust (Amanah) given to us by Allah, and we are accountable for how we use it. Zakat—the obligatory charity—is a clear and powerful mechanism of wealth distribution. It purifies our wealth, and in doing so, ensures that the less fortunate are not forgotten, that justice is done, and that prosperity is spread throughout society.

Allah (SWT) commands:

"Take, O Muhammad, from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase." (Quran 9:103)

Yet what do we see in the world today? Instead of circulating wealth for the collective good, the rich grow richer, while the poor are left to starve. Instead of sharing the fruits of economic prosperity, the wealthy amass fortunes that serve only to fuel their own egos. The elites build their palaces while their people live in squalor. What is this, if not a betrayal of the very principles of Islam?

Shaitan’s deception is simple: "Hoard, accumulate, more and more, for yourself. The world is yours to conquer." And so, entire nations are built on inequality, where the poor are bound in chains of poverty, and the rich bask in indulgence. This is not the path of Allah. This is the path of destruction, and its consequences are already clear.

2. Investing in People, Not Vanity: The True Meaning of Progress vs. Shaitan’s Path of Extravagance

Islam defines progress not by the height of a building or the luxury of a resort but by the upliftment of human beings. True success, in the eyes of Allah, is not measured by how many floors your skyscraper has, but by how many hearts you have touched, how many lives you have bettered. A nation that follows the divine guidance of Islam invests in its people—not in empty symbols of pride and grandeur. Hospitals, schools, roads, welfare systems—these are the true markers of progress. In Islam, leadership is a trust, and the leader is accountable for every soul under their care.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.” (Daraqutni)

But what do we see in the world today? Governments invest billions in projects of vanity—world-class stadiums, luxury hotels, sprawling malls, and ostentatious buildings meant to impress the world. Entire cities are constructed with the sole purpose of creating a ‘brand’, a symbol of national pride, but at what cost? The poor remain ignored, abandoned in the streets, left to perish in the shadows of opulence. How many millions could be fed, clothed, or educated with the money squandered on these empty symbols?

Shaitan whispers in the ears of the powerful: "Build for yourself, show the world your greatness, indulge in luxury and extravagance." But Islam says, "Build for the people, build for justice, build for the welfare of all." The choice is clear.

3. The Forbidden Trap of Interest: The Divine Rejection of Riba vs. The Chains of Debt

Among the greatest corruptions in today’s world is the financial system rooted in interest (riba). The Quran is unequivocal in its condemnation of riba, calling it a grievous sin, a form of exploitation that devastates both the individual and the nation. Riba enslaves people, ensuring that the rich remain rich while the poor remain trapped in an endless cycle of debt. It is a system that allows the powerful to profit from the misery of the weak.

Allah (SWT) says:

"Those who devour usury will not stand except as stand one whom the Devil has driven to madness by (his) touch. That is because they say: 'Trade is just like usury.' But Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury." (Quran 2:275)

The entire modern banking system is built on this very foundation: riba. Mortgages, credit card debt, student loans—these are the chains that bind millions of people in financial slavery. The world’s economies are built on debt, and the entire system is structured to ensure that those who lend—largely the rich and powerful—continue to gain, while the borrowers—the poor and middle class—are doomed to fall further into financial bondage.

Yet, despite the clear prohibition in the Quran, the system continues to thrive, trapping individuals and societies in a never-ending cycle. This is a failure of the system itself—a denial of Allah's divine guidance, which warns us of the dangers of usury and calls us to establish an economy of fairness, equity, and justice.

4. A World on the Edge of Collapse: The Consequences of Our Choices

What happens when societies abandon divine guidance? What happens when they choose to follow the path of Shaitan, ignoring the wisdom of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? We are witnessing it today. A world that boasts of material progress but is spiritually bankrupt. Nations that have risen to power through economic exploitation, but are now collapsing under the weight of their own moral decay. Skyscrapers stand tall, but streets are filled with homelessness. Industries thrive on vice, but families are crumbling.

The Quran warns:

“And whoever turns away from My remembrance—indeed, for him is a life of hardship, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind.” (Quran 20:124)

We have chosen the path of materialism, the path of excess, the path of individualism. And where has it led us? Into moral decline, spiritual emptiness, and societal breakdown. We have built the highest towers, but our souls are in the lowest depths.

5. The Path Forward: A Divine Call to Return to Allah’s Guidance

The world is at a crossroads. The path of Shaitan has led us to the brink of ruin, and now, it is time for all to wake up. The time for empty pride, for opulence and indulgence, is over. The time to return to the divine guidance of Islam is now.

We must abandon the pursuit of materialism, reject the chains of riba, and return to the principles that will bring true prosperity—justice, equity, compassion, and service to the people. Only then will we experience the prosperity promised by Allah (SWT). Only then will we build a society worthy of the guidance revealed to us.

The Quran calls to us:

"Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable..." (Quran 17:9)

The choice is ours. Will we continue to follow the whispers of Shaitan, or will we return to the divine guidance that will lead us to true success in this life and the Hereafter? The path is clear, and the time for change is now.

The world is waiting. The people are suffering. But with the power of Allah’s guidance, we can rise once again, as a community united in justice, compassion, and true prosperity.

The Humbling Truth: We Are Nothing Without Allah

Consider this: You could not even endure a single day of rain. A few drops of water, a force so small, yet so powerful, can bring cities to a halt. Buildings that soar into the sky, constructed with billions of dollars, crumble when faced with the simple forces of nature. A flood, an earthquake, a mere shift in the earth beneath your feet—these are the realities of this world, a world that fools us into believing in our own invincibility.

What are you, then, in the grand scheme of things? A speck, a mere moment in the vast expanse of time. How many kings, emperors, and rulers have come and gone, their names now nothing more than a whisper in the annals of history? Their empires—now reduced to ruins, overtaken by sand, forgotten by time. The question is not what you build or what you accumulate, but how you live and to whom you submit.

You might be told by the world, the "experts," and the consultants to diversify your economy through luxury resorts, through resorts and skyscrapers that touch the clouds, to emulate the systems of those who have forsaken true justice. They will call it "progress," they will claim it's "modernisation." But let us not forget the clear guidance of the Quran. Does Allah (SWT) call us to follow the path of excess, to invest in vanity, or to build monuments to our pride? No. Allah commands us to uphold justice, to protect the rights of the weak, and to establish systems of fairness.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.” (Muslim)

What does this mean for us? It means that true freedom and success are not found in the wealth and luxuries of this world, but in the submission to the will of Allah. True success is not about how much you accumulate, but how much you give—how much you contribute to justice, to fairness, to mercy.

The time has come to wake up. We cannot continue down this false path. The consequences of forsaking divine guidance are unfolding before us, and yet we persist in chasing shadows. We have allowed ourselves to be distracted by the glittering falsehoods of materialism, while the essence of true prosperity slips away.

You are nothing without Allah. Your buildings, your wealth, your status—none of it will save you when the sun is rolled up, when the sky is torn apart, and when the graves are turned over. Remember the reality of your existence: "The life of this world is nothing but a game and a distraction." (Quran 57:20)

The message is clear. We must return to the divine guidance that guarantees success—not in material terms, but in spiritual fulfilment, in justice, in peace, and in true prosperity. This is the path of Islam. The time to act is now.

Reflect and Return—Before It’s Too Late.

We stand at a crossroads, and the choice before us is stark: to continue in the delusion of self-made success, or to return to the humility, the wisdom, and the guidance of the Quran. The clock is ticking. The signs are all around us. What will we choose?

The true prosperity lies not in our skyscrapers or in the false promises of wealth, but in returning to the eternal truth of Allah’s guidance. For He alone holds the keys to true success—both in this world and in the Hereafter.


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