Skype therapy service
Online Mindfulness Therapy - Skype therapy service

Skype therapy service

Online Mindfulness Therapy - Skype therapy service

Talk to a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for Online Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming?Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addiction, including eating disorders, PTSD recovery and Stress Management.

Online Therapy is an excellent choice for most people who are seeking help for overcoming chronic anxiety and depression and want to learn how to manage difficult emotions through the application of mindfulness.

It is important to use Skype so that we can see each other, which is very important to establish good communication and, therefore effective psychotherapy.

I offer Mindfulness Therapy via Skype which is very effective for teaching you how to better manage thoughts and emotions so that you can restore wellbeing and happiness.

You can expect to see significant improvements after a few sessions with me once you start applying the mindfulness techniques that I will be teaching you during our Skype sessions.

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Main site: Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

How to start Skype therapy

The primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction, stress, PTSD and emotional trauma and other forms of emotional suffering rather than just trying to manage symptoms through medication.?

Almost everyone who seeks my help has already tried medication or conventional counseling and are definitely looking for an alternative approach, a more holistic approach that focuses on healing rather than just trying to reduce symptoms. We want to be FREE from anxiety and depression, not just endlessly try to manage symptoms.

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I have practiced working with difficult emotions with many wonderful Buddhist teachers, including Pema Chodron and Adyashanti. Peter taught me aspects and nuances that were completely new to me that are making a huge difference and allowing me to meet and heal these parts of myself more efficiently and actually with less distress."


Skype Therapy -?Psychotherapy over Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado and I offer Skype therapy, that is psychotherapy over Skype for help with anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, OCD, driving anxiety, and many other forms of anxiety disorders that respond well to Mindfulness Therapy.?

Mindfulness Therapy has proven to be incredibly effective for the treatment of both anxiety and depression. It works by getting at the root cause of anxiety and depression. So it's really quite different than conventional talk therapy which may relieve symptoms for a while by talking about your emotional problems. But talk therapy, conventionally, doesn't really address the underlying cause for most people, it doesn't allow you to change that underlying cause directly.?

And the same can be said for medications. They can provide temporary relief of the symptoms of anxiety or depression, but medications will not change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression.?

There are other forms of psychotherapy like mindfulness therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Now CBT is very good because it attempts to work on the underlying cause, in the form of reactive habitual thinking, and CBT is a very good way of helping you identify patterns of reactive thinking and rumination and then changing them either by directly inhibiting them before they get established or by replacing them with more functional positive thoughts or by challenging the generalizations and irrational beliefs that we usually become attached to when we're not fully conscious of what is going on in the mind. So CBT has been very successful. It has been a great advance on traditional talk therapy.?

Now Mindfulness Therapy incorporates CBT and many of the cognitive therapy concepts of CBT but it takes it a stage further because Mindfulness Therapy works not just on thoughts but also on helping to heal and resolve the underlying emotions.?

So sometimes, working on just thoughts is not enough to heal the underlying anxiety or depression. So we need to work on the emotions directly as well.?

The emotional content becomes habitual also and it gets triggered in the same way that reactive thinking is triggered. We have habitual emotional reactions to deal with and mindfulness therapy is particularly good at helping you identify these emotions and then working with them to promote their healing and resolution.?

One of the ways we do this is by actually developing a conscious and friendly and compassionate relationship with these emotions. The aspect of compassion is a very important part of mindfulness therapy and it's very, very powerful when you start to develop compassion towards those painful emotions in yourself.?

That starts to generate your true self, which is not afraid. It's not reactive in nature but it is able to embrace and heal emotional suffering. So that's what we cultivate mindfulness therapy sessions, learning how to essentially sit with your emotions without becoming reactive and then responding to your emotions with compassion to help them heal.?

And very often this involves imagery we learn to identify the imagery that is causing the emotion and then we look at changing that imagery in order to heal the emotion. So working with imagery is actually part of the response of compassion to emotional suffering.?

So that's an important part of mindfulness therapy, and this is what I offer during these Skype Therapy sessions. Skype is a very good medium for psychotherapy online because it allows you to see each other, and as long as you can see each other then there's really no difference between Skype Therapy and conventional therapy in person.?

So if you'd like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety and depression through Skype Therapy and using the techniques of mindfulness therapy that I teach online, then please email me and let's schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you.?

I see people throughout the USA also Canada and Western Europe and the UK and as far away as Japan and South Korea.?

Skype Therapy – Effective Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression

Learn how to more effectively control anxiety or depression. Speak to a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring treatment by a medical professional. Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a therapy session via Skype with me.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a good internet connection and you are ready to begin online psychotherapy with me.

Conventional talk therapy can be useful, but often it does not look at the underlying psychological process that is the real cause of your depression or anxiety.

This also applies to the use of medications - the medication may reduce symptoms for awhile, but medications are not able to change the underlying process that generates the anxiety or depression.

The type of psychotherapy that I offer is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be very powerful for handling anxiety as well as for treating chronic depression and other emotional issues where there is an underlying habit of reactive negative thinking.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I provide Mindfulness Therapy over Skype.

Skype therapy is becoming a very popular option these days as an alternative to traditional office-based psychotherapy. Many people prefer the convenience of Skype therapy. Therapy over Skype is just as effective as in-person therapy sessions because it really allows you to schedule therapy at a time that is convenient for you and if you have Skype, you can see each other as well as well as talk to each other so you get the right quality of communication as you would meeting with a psychotherapist in-person. So, that is one reason why Skype therapy has really revolutionized the whole psychotherapy industry.

If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy, do please send me an email and I will be happy to answer any questions you have about the process.

Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in, is a very, very good approach for working with difficult emotions, including anxiety and depression or even addictions. It help you change those emotional habits that tend to run our lives, if we are not careful. We do this by becoming more consciously aware of our habits, and the more conscious you become, the more mindful you become of your emotional habits, the more choice you develop, the more ability you have to break free from those emotional habits that create your anxiety or your depression.

If you would like to learn more, go to my website and email me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you. I see people throughout the US and abroad, as well. I have many clients in Europe and further afield.?

So please simply email me and let's get started, and then when you are ready, we can schedule a Skype therapy session and we will see how well this works for you. Most people really enjoy the mindfulness approach and see results very quickly indeed. This is quite different than conventional counseling or talk therapy - we actually work on changing those habits that produce anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional suffering.

Sp, please contact me and let's learn how I can help you overcome your anxiety or depression. Thank you!?

Skype therapy - Effective Psychotherapy from Home

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you eliminate anxiety or depression. Speak to a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, including eating disorders, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any psychological problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to learn more about this online counseling service and to arrange for a Skype session with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a mindfulness-based therapist, living in Boulder, Colorado, and I provide Skype Therapy.

Therapy via Skype is a very convenient and very effective way of getting the help that you need to overcome anxiety or depression or addiction or any other emotional suffering that you may be experiencing.

The mindfulness techniques that I teach during these online therapy sessions are very well designed to help you break free from the habit of emotional reactivity, that process by which you become identified with and overwhelmed by emotional reactions and reactive thinking.

When we develop mindfulness skills we are actually learning how to become an observer, how to witness thoughts and emotions without becoming identified with them, without becoming reactive and without becoming overwhelmed by those habitual patterns.

This is the essential fist step in any kind of transformation process, you have to learn to see what is there without reacting to it. This is what we call awakening. You learn to awaken to the contents of mind instead of reacting to the contents of mind.

When you can see emotions and thoughts and the habitual processes that produce those emotions and thoughts clearly, when you can see them clearly, then choice arises. You begin to develop a sense of not being the same as your mind, not being the same as the content of your mind, but actually being the witness, the observer that is separate from the contents of mind, and can therefore begin to develop choice based on wisdom, based on what feels better and what leads to healing and well-being.

If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy and the mindfulness approach that I specialize in, please go to my website and then CONTACT ME via email, and I will be happy to answer your questions about therapy via Skype and we can schedule a session at a time that works for you.

I see clients throughout North America, I see clients in South America, I see many clients in the UK and Europe, and further afield as well. As long as you have an internet connection then it is possible to have Skype therapy.

So, please go to my website and EMAIL ME to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.


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