To the sky

To the sky

Since I woke up this morning, a famous phrase by John Lennon resonated in my mind: “You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one…”

Last night I was talking with Juan, a young, and a brilliant film director from Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, the city where I was born and raised. Juan, one day, woke up, in the same town as every day. He walked for a few hours, meticulously exploring the perfect geometry that characterizes the streets of the city center. He needed to think. The air, that day, had a strange smell, an aroma that was not natural to Juan. In his mind he remembered, for some reason, Marie Curie.

That day Juan decides to film a 50-second film, with his cell phone, in a field on the outskirts of Chivilcoy. He titled the work “Lost Land”, available to the public on YouTube. The work was selected, a few months later, at the Mobile Film Festival in Paris, and Juan not only fulfilled a dream, he not only carried his message from a small city in the Province of Buenos Aires to a large city more than 13 thousand kilometers of distance. Juan that day became a creative ignoramus.

Poetry Land Lost, Land Gained, by Franco Bogliolo (2023)

Mommy, I'm everywhere,

Daddy, stop crying now,

Our souls have already found each other,

Nothing can separate us.

Without your tears, my wings are weightless,

I fly like a star butterfly,

Here there is no time or distance,

Life is endless, it is CIRCULAR.

Mommy, don't look for me anymore,

Daddy, stop walking,

I live deep in your SOUL,

I live in your capacity to LOVE.

As long as the moon shines,

As long as the EARTH does not stop rotating,

With the warmth of the SUN I hug you,

With my butterfly wings I make you dream.

When the clouds cover the SUN,

When the drops start to fall,

With the beauty of a FLOWER, I will make your eyes shine,

And on the canvas of your chest, I will paint a new dawn."

Note: Poetry dedicated to those who have managed to move hearts with their life story. Especially Anto Blanco, and Ana Zabaloy.


We continually seek, in our daily lives, to be more faithful to our self, with everything we do, and sometimes the self has questions that reason cannot explain, as the famous phrase from the group of Argentine rock La Renga: “…the heart has reasons that reason itself will never understand.” At the moment that Juan, or any of us, manages to perceive, through imagination, or through experience, a first question of one's own self, he finds a first truth. A truth that one cannot get rid of. A truth from which the cause of millions of consequences is born, consequences that are worth it. At this moment the creative ignoramuses are born, those human beings who live cum motus animi continuus.

After talking with Juan, I called my father, because yesterday was his birthday. He had barely arrived in Tandil. He traveled by car with my mother and my younger sister, who also had a birthday yesterday, to spend a few days together. I smile, because I share the happiness of the moment with them.

After the well-known song of “Happy Birthday,” my father tells me that while the 4-hour trip between Chivilcoy and Tandil passed, they listened to the radio. As is often the case, the car radio picks up the FM frequency it finds on the road. It is an interesting experience, I would say immersive. One travels, and lives the local culture of the cities in the interior of Buenos Aires. As you drive, transmissions change with noisy transitions from radio to radio generated by wave interference. I think this is a beautiful example of natural-digital orchestration.

It turns out that in one of those “acts”, a circumstantial and spontaneous act, that he experienced on that trip, between one interference and another interference, halfway between Chivilcoy and Tandil, my father says, they heard a man speak, which they interviewed on the radio. This man was talking about Science and Art, he tells me. Ah! Interesting Pa!, I tell him. And he tells me, yes, very interesting, and he tells me that the man was not talking about metaphysics, that the man was talking about physics.

He tells me he was a scientist. But he also emphasizes to me that, at a certain moment, seeking to explain the concept of black holes, he mentioned art, and began to make comparisons between Physics, and different artistic disciplines, to explain quantum concepts, and new theories about the functioning of the universe.

It's not what you do, son, he tells me, because he talks about black holes, but it's similar, he says. I smile again, because for years I have been pursuing the search to create solutions through the combination of science and art. And over the years, and as I immersed myself more and more in unknown and unexplored terrains of knowledge, regarding the formal nature of academic and professional knowledge, I realized that the biggest challenge was to be able to communicate it for everyone.

I am very happy that interviews with these people are being broadcast on the radio in Buenos Aires to address these issues, because there are many people who work in innovation, art, and science, and there are many dreamers. Luckily I'm not the only one. I thank John for letting me know through such a magnificent melody.

The conversations with my father are very constructive and interesting. We have very similar ways of thinking, but we always see it from different perspectives, which complement each other, because the attention of both is aimed at “apprehending” that exchange. It's like how wave superposition works. There are certain wave frequencies that complement and amplify each other, like in a musical orchestra, and there are others that cancel each other out, like when you want to listen to a person in a nightclub. Sharing knowledge is the same, the wave overlap that is generated between the participants can cancel each other out, or can be amplified exponentially.

Look Pa, since you mention it, I'll tell you, I tell him. A few days ago I wrote an article about this, where I wrote: “Art is the LIGHT of science, and science is the LIGHT of art,” I tell my father. And I was referring precisely to what you learned today about black holes. Combining Art and Science does not make sense on its own if it is not oriented towards the action that precedes obtaining an objective, a purpose. In this case, the objective of the radio man was to explain how black holes work, and since no one has ever been able, until now, to experience a black hole, go there and measure its temperature with a thermometer, because it would completely disintegrate, The explanation must be a product of the imagination, the most powerful instrument of the human being.

The explanation of the lord of the radio is at the edge of currently available knowledge, that is, his objective is beyond the confines of science, where Friedrich Nietzsche, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Euclid, Vincent Van Gogh, Carlos Alonso, Joan Miró, Renzo Piano, Joaquín Sorolla, and the Dalai Lama. From that fence that delimits the limits of knowledge, one has no choice but to call oneself a creative ignoramus, and immerse oneself in unexplored terrain, and at that moment one begins to innovate, for the simple fact of creating knowledge. Be careful, I clarify that it is not necessary to innovate, nor immerse yourself in unknown terrain. For example, Fyodor Dostoevsky had no choice, but he did not choose it as a base, in fact he suddenly found himself in the cold hell of a Siberian prison, and so he dedicated himself to learning about life in some of the darkest corners. of our planet, at a certain moment.

Passing that wooden fence, and beyond the dark forest that Zarathustra, and Dante Alighieri, scientists and artists of innovation, traveled through, those adventurers complement their knowledge of the exact sciences with disciplines that can package broader knowledge, a knowledge that It has another texture, another dimension, another density, another consistency. It is about finding a new language combining all the instruments created by nature that allow as a whole to “hunt knowledge on the fly”, because there, after the confines, knowledge resembles flocks of butterflies that do not stop flying, and they are only recognized by learning to observe them in flight, in movement, and also in a process of continuous change. Leonardo Da Vinci already knew how to do this, about whom some say he had the ability to perceive movement in slow motion. Maybe it's just a myth, or maybe it's too much glitter.

So science is used in combination with art, in favor of science. Now, analogously, if we use it in favor of art, we will find that it is science that the artist must go out to look for, because it is science that best explains nature, for example, with the magical language of mathematics, and If the artist does not know how to model nature, he cannot create works. Without structure, art does not flourish.

You know how nice it would be Pa, I tell him, for us to try as a world to be the lung of an entire galaxy. Imagine a society that, instead of seeking to colonize planets, extract precious stones, and accumulate material resources and money, seeks to export nature, export knowledge, export life to the rest of the galaxy. For a human being to reach the Moon, 3 things were needed. A human being, that someone has imagined a human being walking on the moon, and the effort of millions of men, women, trees, rocks, and animals. All from this Earth, all from a Land Won.

I say goodbye to my father, after debating for a while, and I sit in the children's park that is between my house, in Alfafar, and an orange field, and I watch a mother with her child, who reminds me of Ada Lovelace.

Child: - Ma, push me harder!

Mother: Stronger?

Child: Yes!

Mother: Stronger?!

Child: Stronger mom. Stronger! More more!

Mother: But son, how far do you want to go?!

Child: I want…I want to go to heaven, Ma.

Today's children are tomorrow's parents. Our greatest certainty about the future is found in the smile of our children when seeing a flower, when playing with a butterfly, when breathing the pure air of our forests, when drinking the fresh water of our rivers.

Mr. Outheway.

Valencia, Spain, 01-16-2024

Bogliolo Franco.


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