Just as ‘Chicken Little’ mouthed those now infamous words, so did Donald J. Trump say virtually the same thing, when he said I will, “Make America Great Again.” The Stupidity of that statement begs the question, “WHEN WAS AMERICA NOT GREAT?” Let us examine the things Trump is credited with accomplishing.
1. Trump is credited with creating a great economy. The fact is the very idea, is repugnant to me. “WHAT,” might you ask? The answer is quite simple. President Obama handed him a beautiful hard fought, repaired, and growing economy. One the he (Obama), had inherited from President Bush the had crashed around his (Obama’s) feet in the first quarter of his Presidential term. It would not have mattered who was elected President in 2016, the economic growth was already underway.
2. Trump is also credited with giving us a great “Tax Cut.” Well was it so great, the National Debt almost doubled. The single biggest thing the ‘Tax Cut” did was give a huge raise to billionaires and left those of us living on Social Security virtually nothing. Further, if not for Senator McCain, my medical coverage, would be worse than it is currently. I am still arguing with my medical insurance company, over some of the co-pays, on continuing coverage for my Cancer. The effects on inflation are being felt today and still not fully determined.
3. Trump said, “I will cure the immigration and border problems. I will build a wall and I will make Mexico pay for it.” Well, let us examine those particular issues. The immigration issue was handled by separating children from their parents and locking down the border and dumping the immigrants back into Mexico. It subsequently, created a huge problem for President Biden. Cutting off the foreign aid to South & Central America, only exacerbated the problem. It had the effect of quadrupling the flow of Migrants; and creating the groundwork, for the strengthening of the “Cartels of Mexico” into not only drug smuggling but also in human trafficking with the net result of increasing the flow of fentanyl and an increase to 300 thousand drug related deaths from that same fentanyl.
4. Trump also went to Turkey, China, and North Korea. In Turkey he took a National Security file with him. From which, in my opinion, he gave to the Turks, extraordinary strategic intelligence and invaluable information and locations, of the Kurdish Army, our allies in Iraq and Syria. Those positions and locations, along the northern borders of both Countries (Syria & Iraq), allowed the Turks to invade Iraq, putting the Kurds at the mercy, of the Turks and in need of American support. He had further withdrawn the American Troops in Iraq, without consulting field commanders, weakening our Kurdish ally’s ability to respond. Consequently, by then reversing his position of withdrawal, he made himself look great in the eyes of the Kurds, yet even more important, he gained control of the Northern Iraq Oil. Allegedly these Oil Fields are
larger than the Saudi Oil Fields. The net result of this manipulation, was to anger Saudi Arabia to the point of punishing us on imports, and causing further strife in the Middle East
5. In China, Trump managed to start a trade war, one that amped up missile testing in North Korea, China’s ally and testing ground for Chinese missiles. The result of the China trip was to anger our major Banker (China). China is hardly the foe you want, if you owe them money and if “INFLATION” is looming, in the future from your tax cuts. Additionally, Trumps daughter “Ivanka,” came back from China, with a 400-million-dollar “clothing goods” contract, for goods to be sold in America. We will discuss more about China when I get to Co-vid.
6. Trump in North Korea was a joke, while ‘Rocket – Man,’ as Trump called him, perhaps Trump’s moniker, more appropriately, should have been ‘Rocket – Boy,’ may have had “a productive exchange” to paraphrase Trump, absolutely nothing of major consequence changed, in our relations with North Korea. However, it did embolden China, by making lives, of our Hong Kong and Taiwan allies more insecure. Wow, another megalomania ego feat of trying to portray strength, but exemplifying insecurity; and along the way emboldening a half-wit, half-pint small country leader that has no concept of the fact we could obliterate his country with conventional weapons alone.
7. Trump domestically, has not faired any better remember this was just in the first two years. The worst is yet to come. By the worst, I mean Co-vid. Trump showed his real true stupidity, dilatory behavior, megalomanoric egomania, and utter disregard for his Office and his Citizens in his handling of Co-vid. One of the dumbest and most egregious actions he took, was to dissolve and disperse, the Global Health Security and Biodefense unit responsible for pandemic response. Timothy Ziemer headed the Unit. It happened when John Bolton was appointed as NSC advisor, the reorganization created multiple changes and neglect. Among the worst were the inattention paid to the Co-vid outbreak in China itself. While China, has never been forthcoming concerning any degree of intelligence sharing, they are not to blame for the neglect and outright lack of concern, for the American citizenry, by not scrutinizing and investigating closer, the intelligence obtained. The ridiculous handling of the Co-vid sickened, Cruise-shipborne patients, emergency-transported, to Atlanta and then allowed, to disperse to the far reaches of the United States, was the single largest bungling of an emergency situation, in recent memory. Trump arranged for the transport because of need, which is good; but subsequently, he completely and totally mishandled the situation, because of lacking preparedness. This, well intended but stupidly imagined situation, was a huge mistake in Trump’s national security responsibility, for a nation. It was also the single largest ‘spreader’ of the disease. Let us analyze a bit. We know something is wrong in China from intelligence reports (Oct., Nov.2019). Cruise – ship (Nov., Dec.2019) disease reports (Nov., Dec.). In January Trump admits to Bob Woodward Covid is really bad. Yet not wanting to sacrifice the economy, and I am certain his own stock investments. Yet, we the public heard nothing, of its dangers, spread ability, or even mortality. We do not hear of it until February and
March of 2020 a full 4-5 months after the first intelligence reports. We ended up with one million plus American Citizens dying. Operation Warp-Speed is not announced until mid-May 2020, a full six-months after the first outbreaks in China. The Warp Speed Response could have been initiated a full 5 months earlier in January 2020 when Trump first knew of the disease, but because of his reorganization, of the NSC the response operation was not immediately implemented. There were over one million Americans killed by this disease. Instead of assuming responsibility for his own stupidity, his egomania is so self-aggrandizing and self-preserving, he blames China, calls it the “China Virus.” This action alone has caused violence against Asian Americans and created a rise in crimes of violence across the country. C’mon now let’s put him and his “Cronies and Election Deniers” back in charge, maybe we can find a war or two. Perhaps we can bring back ‘relocation camps’ for critics and a few Green Deal Democrats.
8. Trump’s delays in responsiveness and lack of preparedness brought us to the brink of collapse economically. The single largest contributor to our current inflation was the shut-down of the economy in 2020 carrying over into 2021. When you add home confinement, non-contact, minimal communication, same old family issues, you get anger, jealously, violence and economic fears. You also get more distrust, racism, mental health issues, divorce, and a general societal breakdown. Conspiracy theories are a function of too much time dwelling, on a subject and looking for someone to blame. Trump has never taken any responsibility, for any, of his screw ups. He just finds someone to blame and fires them. This behavior is particularly true, of second-rate thinkers and immature leaders. Those are people that constantly need their ego gratified. In other words, Trump and his cronies, the MAGA allies.
9. Trump’s policies involving race relations are even worse. What he said regarding Charleston and the man-beast, that drove his car through a group of people was to me astonishing. People who think that way, have no sense of humanity. To say as Trump did, “…there are good people on both sides,” of a brutal criminal act is to be not only na?ve, but utterly without empathy or any sense of responsibility. It is why George Floyd was killed. It is why Black Lives Matter was formed why race relations, in this country are in the toilet. I have not seen this kind of discourse, since the fifties and sixties.
10. Trump’s behavior towards Ukraine in 2020, which got him indited, for ‘abuse of power and misuse of government funds’ for personal gain, was monstrously shameful. It subsequently, caused impeachment by the House of Representatives for withholding foreign aid, committed to an ally - Ukraine, by the U. S. Government. It was simply one more thing in a long list of things, that demonstrates his callous self-serving and lacking character. The nature and behavior of Trump, forestalled Ukraine’s defenses, and preparedness, against the soon to be realized Russian aggression. These poor people of Ukraine are suffering more than they should; because Trump held up the weapons to them for political gain in an attempt to sabotage, at the time, the Biden campaign. These are not the actions of a true leader but the actions of a third world
autocrat that thinks like -- a Hitler or a Stalin. It is governance by favor not merit, oligarchy not leadership.
11. However, Trump’s worst and most egregious, hateful, and manipulative action or group of actions was yet to come. It defines his time in office. History will not be kind to him. HE ATTEMPTED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This occurred at the United States Capital building on January 6, 2021, during the voter ratification hearings. TRUMP was not alone in this plot to overthrow the government. In my very humble opinion DONALD TRUMP, TED CRUZ, KEVIN McCARTHY, LINDSEY GRAHAM, JAMES (JIM) JORDAN and others are guilty of SEDITION & TREASON. I firmly believe they should be tried by the Attorney General of the United States, and judged by a jury of their peers, in a Federal Courthouse in Washington D.C. It is very apparent Trump conspired with, ROGER STONE the CONVICTED LIAR, (sentence commuted by Trump) BAG-MAN & INFORMATION CARRIER, is the answer, to the question, “how did he conspire?” It was through this friend and through TED CRUZ ‘THE GREAT SATAN,” so called, by the former ‘Republican Speaker of the House,’ (on or about January 6, 2021) on late night CNN News. In my opinion the friend organized the Proud Boys and the Gate Keepers and such other groups while TED CRUZ organized the Senate with LINDSEY GRAHAM, and while KEVIN McCARTHY and JIM JORDAN organized the House of Representatives, together these men orchestrated the shameful display of stupidity and abuse of power in the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I sincerely hope the Attorney General uses these sentiments in his opening statement of the trial or trials. In my opinion they should be tried as a group and on National Television for the entire Country to see. These shameful betrayers of everything I or WE hold dear about this Country. The only thing that could be worse would be allowing this ORDEAL, to be swept under the rug and these men allowed to resign. They need indeed must be called to account. TRUMP was so stupid he could not realize, all those “New Republicans” that he signed up In conjunction with the Independents, are the ones that voted him out of office. The only election fraud, I believe, is that in which TRUMP tried to pressure the Secretaries of State of Georgia and Arizona, to find him 11 thousand plus votes. Then separately he tried, to get the Electoral College Members, to change their votes. To do something so blatant is by far more Treasonous, than anything that occurred at the Capital. But ultimately TRUMP IS TO BLAME. He is the most dangerous person in this Country to the safety and security of this Democracy. How do I know he was involved, because he uttered three times the Japanese word TORA! TORA! TORA! In English it means ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! Those are the very words Japan used when they attacked our people in PERAL HARBOR, SHAME BE UPON ALL YOU VETS THAT ATTACKED OUR CAPITAL. To paraphrase the words of Winston Churchill, democracy may be very messy, and it may be the worst form of government, but it is better than all the other alternatives.
So, I will ask all you “Chicken Little’s” out there. IS THE SKY REALLY FALLING; or does it just seem that way.
I would ask you to consider the following-- President Biden inherited all these problems he did not create them, but like he accomplished with President Obama, I believe he will bring this economy back, this economy will settle down. As for the high gas prices it in not because the of one pipeline or government lands drilling. How do I know this, because both those things were instituted under TRUMP and the economy was enjoying slow steady growth without them. I believe President Biden will pull us through. The rise in gas prices are being deliberately manipulated by the big five (Exon-Mobile, Shell, BP, Chevron, Conoco-Phillips) Energy Companies. Any three of these companies can influence the market and the public be damned. They can make a president look very very good or very very bad. They contributed more to the inflation than any other single entity. All it takes are the five Chairman agreeing to raise the price of gas. As a side note I traveled this past year to Pennsylvania from Texas and back three times. Price fixing was being used by the oil companies. In all the Blue States, the price of gas was exorbitant, while in all the Red States the price was up but barely up. I drove there and back for $300.00 each way. That kind of manipulation is why people hate the oil companies and why President Biden is getting a bad rap.
Also, I am more conservative than progressive, the OAC idiots are a passing fancy, their voters, will soon learn, stupidity is not catching, it is permanent. Chasing out Amazon from NYC was the dumbest thing I have ever seen. The voters will also see it as well. I am an Independent and once again I voted for every Democrat. I have done that only twice in my life and I am seventy seven. I did it in 2020 and now in 2022.
Now please people of these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STILL THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, Go execute your constitutional right to VOTE. For me, I ask you to vote down the election deniers. THEY ARE THE FUTURE OF A REBIRTH OF NAZISM OR SOMETHING WORSE – A TOTALATARIAN DEMOCRACY LIKE RUSSIA. The very thing Ukraine is fighting against. We do not want to have that kind of thing here.
So My friends, that took the time to read the essay, THE SKY IS NOT FALLING, and all you Chicken Little election deniers and purveyors of lies, get thee out of my life and let the Country live. I am counting on all the women that have just been reduce to second class citizens, the Medicare recipients, Social Security survivors like myself, new sworn in Citizens, young men that want a chance at better life without massive Republican liars and deniers, please go Vote Democratic. The only ones that cry socialism are those that lead the most massive socialistic governments in the world, the major multinational corporations. The majority of the Republican Senate is bought and paid for by them. Very few of them are like Cornyn of Texas, and the former Senator McCain of Arizona are true Citizen Representatives. The Republicans have them but they are rare.