Skinny Dipping in a Public Pool
There was a dream where I did just that. No one noticed. Even the families who were swimming paid me no mind. This was a pool where towels were kept underwater so it was a strange situation.
Dreams are weird. Not as strange as LinkedIn. Years ago I disconnected with a man who bragged he was a "Content creator" acting like talking into an I Phone and hitting Record was revolutionary. He was dull as dishwater. That isn't what put me off.
He suggested posting twice per week. At this moment my work stopped being "Content" if it ever was and it became art. There is no limit to art. I write four hundred articles per year. Whether anyone reads them or not.
What the ones who sell their souls to companies who use engagement pods don't tell you is nothing is currently distributed. Impressions mean nothing. Most of my recent articles have x number of impressions and one view.
Publishing leads to the first view. I can reread or notice an error and open the file. That leads to another view. I should proofread better. If someone comments I open the article to read it. That leads to another view.
It's not like I am on a desert island and likes, comments and views will rescue me. There is no vanity in these metrics. If I were to start a newsletter- wouldn't that be ignored as well? I do what I do.
There is advancement. Think of it like acting. Whether I am on Broadway or in a church basement, exert the effort. In the seventies Adam West could not find work. He ended up in dinner theater. It was a good experience and he was part of a company.
It's too bad they did not have a seventies revival of Batman with the Denny O'Neil/ Neal Adams tone the comic series took. It was not the campy, pop art series from the sixties. Since I was not around to come up with a treatment for that revival series, Adam West took the roles he could find.
He was in one of the Happy Hooker movies. I have not seen it. Take work as you can get it. As little distribution as there is for articles I could write about adult movies and no one would know.
If we are at a party and one of those films is on- I go all Whose Line Is It Anyway. There is an absurdity to adult films. I am not bothered by pornography. Time spent watching those films is time you are not cultivating relationships where you might be able to do something in life.
One piece of advice that no longer applies is "Don't post twice per day because the reach of the second post negates the first." The first one will be ignored as will the second. I doubt John Kraski has this problem.
He posts all the time. His posts are enjoyable. Sometimes he thinks about quitting. He could cut back and would add more value than ninety-nine percent of this site. I m doubling down. Since no one reads articles and no one knows they are out; empty the draft folder. I know who the next article divisible by one hundred will showcase.
Unless someone dies or a beloved colleague leaves the company when I reach the end of The First Quarter; that article will be about- no spoilers. Dance like no one is watching. On LinkedIn, they are not.
Lucky for me, articles are evergreen. You can discover them when they are written or many years later. I never heard Teenage Kicks by The Undertones until forty years after it was released.
Not only was that John Peel's favorite song, it's really good and enjoyable to hear at any time. Casablanca is as good now as it was eighty years ago. Today is Lou Reed's birthday. No one listened to The Velvet Underground in the sixties. Their music was discovered and enjoyed later, available for all time.
I am the last person who writes articles as consistently as ever. Some publish occasionally. It is nice seeing new articles from beloved connections. This is what I do. Regardless of algorithms that cause nothing to be distributed except that awful "Ideas are like breasts" post from a man already forgotten.
No one read my evisceration of that post. So much for "Write about current events". No one knows anything and many women were hurt and annoyed by that post. Don't dehumanize women to create the illusion you are provocative.
The dirty little secret is not many people use LinkedIn. The ones who talk about "One billion accounts"- it is starting to feel like Dead Souls. There might be that many accounts. Whether that many people log in and/or engage remains to be seen.
I have fun writing. I explore different avenues. Just like James Bond movies when they were entertaining I go in many directions. Hopefully I can visit exotic locations and meet beautiful women everywhere I go. That is no bigger a fantasy than having a post go viral or having anything posted noticed by anyone. Be the tree that falls in the forest. You know it made a sound.