Skills of Writing Good Article
Nitin Takalkar
Director - Sales & Marketing | Enabling B2B Growth with ILL, Cloud, and Managed Services at Nexus Infra 360 (A Gazon Communications Initiative)
Article writing is a skill. If you are not born with it, then you need to develop with study and research. You may find multiple tips and tactics online which will spell about how to write article. Definitely most of these are useful and one can optimally use those which best suits for writing any particular article. More important is, topic, writer’s perspective on it and usability point from reader’s perspective. Any article which one is publishing should try and answer FAQs about the topic or give basic guidelines on topic chosen. Reader or what we called audience here is most important factor when one is thinking about writing new article.??????
Choosing a topic for article:
This is of course important aspect of your article. Chose topic about which you have fair enough knowledge and information. You can write with authority and if comes to difference of opinion with any of your audience you should put your points with confidence and conviction. You may feel this as blunt point, but Just by reading on google or other reference books do not start writing article. Your knowledge and information is always important but practical aspect to that knowledge is more important as you choose topic.
Your topic must be engaging to the audience. Just because you are comfortable and confident, do not pick any topic. Google, linkedIn and many other social platforms do provide help identifying hot topics in the market. Spend some quality time on doing research on it to identify one of it. This ultimately helps your article to maximize the reach in prospective audience.
Your own perspective on the topic:
To maximize reach you definitely need to avoid being monotonous. As mentioned earlier, google comprises of all information required. You may not sound different from your predecessor if you fail to add your own perspective. Knowledge, information, points can be common and may have covered earlier. But your views with your practical knowledge are unique on the topic and will definitely differentiate from the crowd.???
Usability for audience:
Audience search online for definite purpose. Gaining knowledge to use it for some or other reason. If your article is serving the purpose of usability of audience perspective, it’s definitely going to be successful in terms of reaching maximum numbers.
When your initial draft of article is ready, just sit back and relax. Try and think about your audience perspective. Just note those questions, why would one search for your topic online. Once you’re ready with set of questions, then just check whether your article is addressing those or not. If not, you need to fit those additional points required in it.?
Getting practical aspect for the topic:
If you are expert on the topic with practical domain knowledge then you maybe self-contained for writing the article. But what, if you are not an expert on the topic and want to be professional article writer. In this scenario you need to choose multiple topics more frequently and keep writing on those just by doing research on it.
Make sure to research appropriately. Read online, read relevant books and possibly talk with subject expert. Subject experts are not available off hand. You may create core group who all are interested in debates and in difference of opinion. Open your topic in discussion forum once you are ready with initial research and rough draft. Debate will help you getting various perspectives. Collate that, use it smartly while writing your final draft of article.
So, as we conclude on the topic, there are few points need to be highlighted as summary; your article should be crisp, specific to the points, comprises maximum 1000 words, ideally 700, well distributed in paragraphs point wise. Should start with introduction, comprise engaging statements. Body should be descriptive, addressing information and your opinion. Ensure your content is not boring and try to make it as engaging as possible. Conclude the topic with summary pondering specific points from the body.????