Through schools and colleges, as well as social media, we gain a lot of knowledge and develop certain skills with our own efforts. However, have schools ever taught us how to use those skills at work??

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The answer is no. Therefore, we need to learn it by ourselves, but this slows down our development. We need to connect and build a network that works together for each other. At the COC Creators Pune Edition 02 meetup, we had a session on "A DIVE FROM PROCRASTINATION TO PRODUCTIVITY."

"It's not hard to make decisions, once you know what your values are"

- Roy E. Disney.

This is one of the reasons we started COC MEETUP with core values. We continue with today's topic after explaining core values.

Here are seven easy ways to "Turn Procrastination to Productivity":

1.Make a list -

Every morning, create a list of tasks that you have to accomplish. Make the list according to the priority of the tasks.

2.Divide the tasks -

Dividing a task helps you to understand the process. When you break assignments into small chunks, it will be easier to accomplish.

3.Remove distractions -

Turn off your phone and social media. Get rid of other distractions while completing tasks.

4.Inspiration -

Sometimes you need motivation, so find inspirational people or write down affirmations.

5.Ask for help -

If you cannot solve a problem, ask for help. Don't waste your time on hesitation.

6.Take a break -

If you work for 40 minutes, give your body and mind a 10-minute break.

7.Reward yourself -

If you complete all the tasks on the list, don't forget to reward yourself. Give yourself whatever reward makes you happy.

The COC meetups are also rewards for us after working hard throughout the week. After this knowledge session, we take some pictures and continue with the networking session.

Thank you to all the creators for sharing their Sunday and creative ideas with us. We promise to give you all the tools that we can for your growth.

Join us for future meet-ups.

For more information, please check the following link:


We have also planned a COC retreat, which is a three-day learning experience with COC creators. To know more and register, please visit the following link: https://linktr.ee/communityovercompetitionindia."


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