Skills on LinkedIn Recruiter are broken

Skills on LinkedIn Recruiter are broken

Do you use skills and assessments to search for candidates? Please don't. Skills and Assessments is one of those view filters I always avoid. It is broken.?

I will explain why and give you great other use cases and a hidden feature at the end.

Let me give you an example. While searching in Australia, I selected the Skill and Assessment “LinkedIn Recruiter” and set it to 'must have.'

Wow, that is astonishing. I got a staggering 42K+ results, all Skills Match LinkedIn Recruiter. However, there aren’t many recruiters, and they don’t have all the skill of LinkedIn Recruiter on their profiles.

What is going on there?

This is LinkedIn new way of skill based hiring. LinkedIn looks beyond the skills you've listed. It scans your whole profile, turning all the text into a searchable database to find potential skills you might have missed. It also checks any resumes you've uploaded for skills. Additionally, your connections play a role – if many of your connections have a skill you haven't listed, LinkedIn might suggest you have it, too.

Is it all what you need?

No, it is pretty useless, to be honest. What if we select many recruiter-like roles and then select “doesn’t have”.

Now, we can see our leftovers in our search. 27K of leftovers. And yes, there are still some recruitment-related candidates in our talent pool. But on the first page, I find these two profiles:

A software developer? Who has a skill LinkedIn Recruiter on their profile? No way. I checked it to be sure. No, there isn’t any mention of LinkedIn Recruiter on their LinkedIn profile.

Can it be that it’s on their resume I don’t think so.

The second individual does have a Skills Match LinkedIn Recruiter. And he/she is a designer?

Wow.? Let’s open this profile.? No, nothing; this person has been a designer all his/her life.?

Conclusion: Use this skills match filter if you want many results with many false positives. If you want accurate results, please don’t use it.?

Other use cases, yes, there are (and even a hidden hack)

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Brendan Walker-Rogers

Leading Talent Sourcing & Talent Intelligence @ adidas

3 个月

It'd be nice to see LinkedIn focus on refining their current features rather than constantly inventing these "smart" features that turn out to be pretty dumb.

Toka Abdelkader

Tech Talent Acquisition Lead | HRBP | Talent Management | Egypt Recruiting Community | Professional Growth Enabler

3 个月
Raghda Amro ????

People First | HRBP @RTG | Empathy & Curiosity | Talent Explorer | ERC Member | Follow the ?? | Free Palestine ????

3 个月
Coen Douwes

I'm into music & tech at Tenth Revolution Group

3 个月

thanks for sharing Marcel! Any tips on how to make up for the loss of this skill section?

Mahmoud Aly

Tech Recruiting @ Nike | Recruiting Community Founder | Data & AI/ML | I like to speak at events sometimes

3 个月

First X-Ray and now skills:( Why are they doing that to us?


