Skilling You Softly - You are your own riches.

Skilling You Softly - You are your own riches.

Skilling You Softly - You are your own riches.

We, humans, tend to over exaggerate our loyalty to our honesty, we are populated by our own inherited false feelings. Here’s the thing, we often call animals dumb when in truth it’s us, humans who are dumb, because we may for the most case have a perceived greater understanding of practical intelligence but are we emotionally more intelligent than most animals, it’s definitely a question worth asking.

Let’s look a little deeper. Does an animal lie? Does an animal within its life time ever stop loving itself? Animals never give up on life no matter what the circumstances and all pets are loyal to the core always, regardless of how ill-treated they may have been they still value trust and love over above anything.

Yes, I agree it's brutal when watching the geographical channel seeing one eat another, but hey we do it daily it’s just hidden behind guilt-free packaging. So, what am I getting to here, well we as humans have lost the value of unconditional, in the now love for our own singular individual existence?

Yes, we thrive in packs just like many species in the shared animal Kingdom, but we also thrive from self-belief, the same belief as the flock of birds that migrate thousands of flight miles every year, or the wilder-beast that walks thousands of kilometres during their annual migration.

A singular but collective belief that they can unconditionally make the migration, with the focus of achieving, not on one but on all equally.

So at what point did we humans lose this collective thought and become for the most a singular selfish equality, whilst role-playing the “I do care for others” thought. We have watered down the collective potential of success for all equally as a species over the generations of time and now get without choice, ranked financially in the food chain of success.

Who is the more important here the high ranking financial politician or the low salary bin man/garbage collector, both have equally the same importance for us because both for the most remove and manage for us the used, unwanted and irritations that need disposing of, as without the bin man/garbage collector our streets and homes would become riddled with decaying waste and infested disease, and without the politician, we would not have the overall rule and structure to keeping the county safe and our homes safe.

So, does that then not make both jobs equally as important and I am very sure we could mirror equally the importance of many jobs in the same way – Equality in a nutshell NICE!!!!

So how are my thoughts on equality going to help you, well, look at you and the importance of your role in life and career choice, because what brings success to every aspect of your life is the clear knowing and understanding of what you do, over the knowing of how you are doing it.

How we do is no more than an action to create an outcome, it’s no more than for many a repeated event that gets practiced in variations over time, but if you completely understand recognise and see the full emotional value and further potential of the knowing of “what you do” it will naturally unconditionally expand to your success because you are offering success to others from you, knowing that your actions in services provided have a great value to another’s quality of life and this thought is never restricted to any given role or career, it’s completely open to every given person with the same value of equality.

Let’s give an example here, ask yourself this, scoring from 1 to 10 with 1 being never and 10 being always, how much thought do you give to the bin man/garbage collector in importance to the quality of your life?

Practice makes perfect, and your homework here is to re-value your life role and career, see the importance of what you do that improves the quality and equality of others. Do not judge or downplay your importance by valuating the social criteria or ranked position of your career choice.

If you are a stay-at-home person for whatever reason you are very much still equal to those elevated by social media in life because it is you that’s allowing for the elevation of that person/persons which makes you a leader in itself, and all leaders have a collective influence on everybody’s quality and equality of life.

You are your own riches in life and you have the responsibility to make that happen. Let’s not forget here the value of money is created by the perception of its owner because money has no value until it’s given it. You can, from a realisation of no more than a re-investment of your value of “what you do” given to another, can turn what can be a single pound/dollar into a thousand more. It’s not the home or the business that’s the success; it’s the owner of the successful emotion that is the success.

Seeing the peripheral of what you do for others is your lottery win, go for it – Paul Rees.


Paul Rees. Legacy Business Designer. TV and Radio Interview host的更多文章

