Over 21,000+ and still counting volunteers at SkilledUp Life are dedicating 2-3 hours of their working days for a period of three months to offer free talent, which is being utilized by developing and growing tech startups. With their commitment and dedication, SkilledUp Life volunteers have provided an unlimited free talent pool to tech startups who create their company profiles with SkilledUp Life and leverage the free talent skills with a £30 monthly subscription.
With the growth in the number of tech startups at SkilledUp Life, volunteers have to go the extra mile and put in the extra effort in order to make a positive impact on the tech startups and in their own careers as well. Most volunteers who are dedicated to upskilling, gaining new skills, and gaining more experience are putting in the extra time and effort to ensure that their contributions are making an impact on their goals. In the pursuit? of gaining new skills, volunteers are embracing new challenges and taking risks by stepping out of their comfort zone and being willing to learn and grow to expand their skills, knowledge, and experience.
Among the SkilledUp Lifers who are going the extra mile in their volunteer roles, they have a positive attitude and bring positive energy, enthusiasm, and optimism to their tasks. The enthusiastic volunteers inspire others to do the same by being given team lead roles in addition to their assigned roles so that they can build productive teams that have mutual goals of making a positive difference in the tech startups as well as in their career.
As other volunteers are doing just the bare minimum to get through their volunteer term, a lot more others are going the extra mile to deliver top-notch results and achieve their career goals. The following are some of the ways the SkilledUp Lifers are doing to go the extra mile and make the difference;
1. Meeting up with their dead lines
As a volunteer, meeting the deadlines of the assigned tasks shows that you are reliable and dependable. Volunteering at SkilledUp Life requires teamwork thereby meeting up your task in a timely manner to impact the positive outcome on the work of other team members.
2. Being organized
By keeping track of your tasks, schedules and updating your? daily reports of the SkilledUp Life workspace, you ensure that you are meeting your responsibilities. This helps you to be more productive and efficient and also it ensures to your team lead and supervisors that you are delivering top-notch results.
3. Taking initiative.
Be a proactive volunteer by taking the initiative to find the tasks that need to be done and getting started. At the onboarding of your volunteer term, you are being updated and brought up to speed on what your fellow volunteers are doing in the work space, and taking initiative to reach out to your fellow volunteers and find tasks to work on shows your willingness to help. And also, by taking on different tasks and responsibilities, even those that are outside your comfort zone, you grow and develop new skills, and that proactive attitude also impacts positive outcomes in team productivity.
4. Seeking training and development opportunities
SkilledUp Life offers opportunities to train by sending out links to training sessions they find fit for their volunteers to attend. As a volunteer, taking advantage of these training and development opportunities that have been offered to you will help you develop new skills and also demonstrate your commitment to your role as a volunteer.
5. Offering constructive communication
Volunteering at SkilledUp Life requires team work spirit,? good communication is the key that makes the teams succeed. As a volunteer you should make sure that you are keeping your supervisors and team members informed of your progress and any challenges that you are facing. By offering constructive communication you? improve the quality of your work which boost your morale and self-confidence and also increase the team productivity
6 ? Building relationships
As a volunteer you need to know your fellow volunteers as well as your supervisors. By building relationships, connecting and expanding your network with fellow volunteers you will help your work to be more effective as a team and deliver better results.
In conclusion as a volunteer you have to keep in mind that going extra mile in your volunteer role is not just about making an impact in the tech startup that you are volunteering for, but also about making a difference in your own life to achieve your career goals by Upskilling, gaining new skills and gaining more experience that can positively impact your professional life.
Be an exceptional volunteer. Be willing to do more, and embrace new challenges by creating your account at? and create a volunteer account. Ensure to have all sections of your profile completed, and apply to a fitting role.