Skill Up #3: Corporate Academies
Skill Up #3

Skill Up #3: Corporate Academies

What is a Corporate Academy? What is not?

#Corporateacademies fill an essential gap in the business world in systematically managing change, preparing the institution for the future and shaping the #organizationalclimate.

We'll discuss corporate academies today!

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What is the Form of the Ideal Corporate Academy?

No matter how broad its scope, an organization that only provides job-related training is not an actual corporate academy. For an organization to be qualified as a corporate academy, it must at least carry out management and senior management development programs in addition to #businesstraining. However, more is needed to be considered a corporate academy.

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The corporate academy must have an unequivocal link to #companystrategy. A corporate academy should be seen as something other than a goal of the company it is affiliated with. A corporate academy is a tool for the company to achieve its goals.

The role of the corporate academy needs to be clarified to serve the company's aims, mission, vision, values or strategic focal points. The corporate academy's strategic plan and objectives must be related to its founding purpose. When there are unclear expectations, roles, and goals, the corporate academy can only be viewed as another training channel, not as a strategic step.

Critical Questions to Be Asked While Establishing a Corporate Academy

  • What are the basic needs to be provided by the corporate academy?
  • What functions and purposes will the corporate academy serve?
  • Should corporate academies begin with a broad or narrow focus?
  • Who will lead the corporate academy, and what role will managers and consultants play?
  • What will be the budgetary resources, and how will they be provided?
  • What types of measurement methods and processes should corporate academy design?

Design of the Training System

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Corporate Training Systems

Corporate academies can offer two types of training to company employees: #onetimetraining and #followuptraining (included in a roadmap). One-time training is especially suitable for recruits. In large companies with many #employees, there are recruitments almost every month, and new employees must undergo the training process to adapt quickly to their jobs and the company.

As the company develops and offers new products and services, as well as new recruits, former employees must also benefit from training to keep up with these changes. All personnel who need to adapt to the newly set corporate targets and the principle of strengthening internal communication will benefit from this corporate academy. In-house training academies are essential for aligning all staff during significant change initiatives and strategic projects.

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Creating an In-house Ecosystem

Creating a corporate academy is a great way to build or consolidate an #ecosystem for a company. As your training programs in your corporate academy become successful, so will your impact on your business.

If your goal is to create a successful corporate academy while establishing an ecosystem in your company, you must consider the following:

  • To create career/skill paths that will help employees draw their career paths and enable them to follow development paths through training.
  • To ensure the sustainability of the academy by providing an environment where employees will like to come together and support each other.
  • Organizing events and virtual forums for the employees participating in the training to offer them an opportunity to socialize.
  • Implementing a digital credentialing system for the corporate academy to motivate employees and recognizing their development. Check out how digital badges can benefit professional development.

What Does It Take for a Successful Corporate Academy?

? A successful corporate academy focus on the operational and tactical dimensions of training and the strategic dimension of learning.

? Instead of trying to respond to the organisation's challenges in the past, they act proactively towards the impact of future changes.

? They focus on the holistic change and development of the organization, not only on the training of individuals.

? They position #training and #development processes as strategic partners of business units, not as a sub-function of Human Resources.

That's it for this week! Your interest in Skill Up makes us look forward to meeting you every week! Thank you for being so supportive, and please don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments! See you next week!



