Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
Book 11.
chapter 12.
Wisdom 12.11
The Main Topic of this wisdom is: Skilled and Unskilled Worker the Subtopic is: Who is a Skill worker? The Purpose: To deal with the misunderstand about skill and Unskilled Worker. The Lesson learn: Will help leader and those in the workplace to understand under the labor law and law of nations who is a skill and unskilled person. To encourage, people without skill in getting a skill.
Teaching of the book.
There had been many misconceptions about the labor force and the different skills sets needed within the labor market. But what is a skill set and who is a skillful person? This had been the unanswered question in the labor market.
What is the labor market, and who are the labor force. How do the labor market and the labor relate within leadership?
The labor Market symbolize a place, where an individual is able to sell their skill. They are the skillful and Unskillful workers who came to sell, their labor. The skillful workers are those with a set of knowledge or education, needed to do a work. However, not all those with knowledge in doing a work is called a skilled worker. Under the labor laws in many countries, only those with the knowledge which can be legally proven, is considered a skilled worker. Thus, there are millions of people with free knowledge, of a job; they are not considered as skilled worker. There are many reasons, why such person cannot be considered a skilled worker. Among those reasons is.
- Credibility: they cannot prove legally, through a creditable university or collage that they are licensee or warded with the skill. Those undocumented skills face many problems, in a case of legal issues. they are unable to prove or defend their self in court system, that they are credible under the law to do such work.
- ·?Uncompleted skills and unprofessionalism: Many people without a collage education in an area of skill have an uncompleted skill. They know little about, what they do or called their skill. Many in house or company training is uncompleted skills. Company only tries to mentor a person in what they want them to do at that point. They are not giving them a legal skill. An in-house skill, from a company cannot be taken to another company. Each company have their own inhouse training. Reason is they are not licensed to give skill. It is illegal for a company who is not licensed in area of education to give an academy skill to a person.
- Ethical issues: Most people without academy skill are unethical. They deal with the skill in an unprofessional manner. Many of such people with skills get their company into unethical problems. 75% of the workers today, in many Workplaces have no ethics. Ethical values and principles are very important in a skill set. Most people appointed as manager have no ethics. The reason is, they have no academy education dealing with the unethical issues of the skill. Ethics, take 75% of the education in any job or skills set. This is why many unskilled workers don’t understand why a collage education is better than free learning or inhouse training.
- In-Housing. Training is required by government, to help worker do their work better. However, it is not a legal skill set that such company can defend the individual on. A work acquiring a training will not expect that company to defend in court as a education system with do on a degree. The reason, they have not promised any worker that they are giving them a skill to used outside of the company.
- Legality: Understanding, the legal part of a job is very important, for a work and the company. Employing an educated person who understand ethics and legality can save a company billions of dollars in lawsuit. Many companies are into big lawsuit today because they are taking risk employing unskilled people. Many companies believe by employing an unqualify person, they are saving money. No, they are not saving money but creating high risk for their company in legal issues. Legality is an important part of skill set. A professional and skillful person with come with such knowledge in the job.
Skill workers can be characterized into different groups. There are professional skill workers and unprofessional skill workers. There are professional skills in every of works. Thus, many professionals’ skills worker is considered, a person with a university degree. Many other professionals’ skills workers come from community college which give an AA degree. Some come from technical or vocational schools.
A University skill worker or person is called a knowledge worker or an expert. Meaning such person have many years of education and experience in the field. ?A person with just experience is in a job is not considered a skilled person or professional in that job. As mentioned, it cannot be proven legally. Note, anything which cannot be proven legally, is not acceptable. You could have 50 years of experience in building an airplane but without a legal document to prove your knowledge, you are not an expert in such an area.
To credit you in such area you much get a degree or a university, who can prove that you are an expert. They can ward the degree on you, by you paying for such degree. That will give you the legal right needed in that skill.
For example, there are many celebrities, who have greater talent in skillful area, but they are not consider as a professional or expert in the areas. To be consider, they must be awarded the skill or degree.
High school education come with a set of skill. It is the beginning of the academic or educational level of skill set. In high school, people get the skill of reading, writing, calculation and reasoning. These skills are considering general skills. most people are likely to complect high school. In order to add up these skills, after high school, a vocational, college or university education is required to get a skill or identify your career. Note, career is not skill. It is just the work you want to know.
A university is the most recommended area in getting a skill. University is set up in many nations to give skills to the general public. A university student could do from 50-250 credits for numbers of skills sets. In collage you are able to acquire more skills in all areas of life. ?From engineering, Science, Technology, Accounting and many others more.
There is almost no skill in the world that you cannot get at a college or university. It is the only place for your skill building. Most government in the world, give university the authority under a government ministry to give skills. The ministry of education is credited in many nations, to regulate the education system for that nation. They give rights institutions to educate their people and give them the needed skill; require by the law of that nation to do a job. Note, it is illegal to give a skill in a nation that is not accepted by the nation. Skills are not just given at will. Note all skill are legal within a nation. Some skills are never to be acquire within some countries.
For example, person is paid to gun down others. Those are skill they acquired. Such skill is not given by university. There are many other illegal skills, in the areas of trafficking and other crime. Those are unprofessional skill, if done illegally.
Vocational certificates.
Another base of skilled worker as mentioned above are the vocational certified holder. These works who are not usually considered as professional, but they are consider as skill workers. Reason is they had acquired a low-level skill that is below the college level. ?
Note all skill are on a level base. Meaning there almost no skill, which is not at a collage level. The different is. Certification at a vocational leave, is mostly education for a week of months. It carries just one Certificate acquirement. ?
A two-year skilled from a community college with an AA degree, with have more than one Certificate or credits, within the degree, called an AA degree. This person has more skill then just a in-house training at a company. reason is they must do more course or credits by government requirement for the AA degree.
A four-year college with have up to 132 credits. Meaning they have double certificate in the four years degree. ?Each of skill have a level and credit. ?This makes the four-year degree more values and having more skill sets than the AA, and an in-house training from a company. the education system is set for one class, to have more skills than the other base on level. They are each one above the other.
Certified Education skills set.
Special education skills or a certified skills set is required in some organizations for work. Some of the most common organizations for special skills set is religion areas or organizations, to be a pastor. The military or polices. These organization are given the authority. They can carry on their own training and institution, like any other college or university. the government give skill in special areas through a ministry of education. Notwithstanding, they are not allowed offer higher level of skills from an academy standing. Their trainees must go out into creditable university for higher level of skill in order to hold higher education, in some areas as the military, police and FBI.
Higher Education Skills set.
Higer level of education is where anyone can get the higher level of skill or education, in the world. Such skills are considered, Master of all the skill and Professor of knowledge and wisdom of the universe. These skillful people are not like, other skillful people on the face of the earth. They are the most, informed people on the face of the earth. Because they are given the degree of Master or of PhDs in those skills. Meaning they have the highest knowledge, experience and education of the skill or that job. There is almost no job without a skill set at a university.
Skill attractions.
Skill attractions had been in process, for hundreds of years. Most developed country attract skillful people into their nation. This is part of national development. In the USA along each year, over 40,000 skillful people are given visa to come into the United State. An addition of 51 thousand skill and unskilled people are also given Visa. There are different programs for work and immigrant, through the DV program or other program give, to coming into united State.
Skill attractions is a global approach, in most developed and powerful country. China had also seen the important of skill workers or attraction. They had attracted different kinds of skills worker, mostly in the area of English teaching skills for their people. China paid billions of dollars in attracting English speaking teacher, into China to give them the skill need for economic development. This had cause China to be able to community and do better business with people in many parts of the world. There are many Chinese who are able to speak English.
skill workers are important around the world, but you must have a professional skill to be consider a skillful person in the global areas. Collage skills is most accepted, in many countries as a skillful person.
For example, many of the skilled workers brought into the USA, must have to be a college degree or graduate degree. The United state does not consider people without collage education, as skilled worker. they are considered as unskilled, if brough to the work in the United State. The same go with those living in the USA. If they have no collage education, they are considered unskilled worker.
International Employment.
Many countries outside of the USA, also only consider a collage education person as skilled worker. Meaning without a collage education, you cannot travel to another country saying that you have a skill, or you are a skilled worker. The question of a collage education will come next. Most work permeate visa, for skill workers require a college degree. Those without a collage education is give unskilled worker visa.
Labor law/ Labor Ministry.
Under the labor law or ministry, the same is applicable to the education level. The law considers that those with education are skillful and must be pay higher for the job compared to those without the education or degree.
From a labor market perspective in many countries. A worker who decided to not go to school but remained on the job, enjoy the benefit of income over the years. While the worker who go to school to become better in society. The education they gained help to make their lives and the nation better. That worker has the right, to earn a higher pay in the area of work after collage.
Reason is they bring in new knowledge and research. They are more knowable about the job than the one who spend the time in the workplace, without updating themselves with advances education to improve the workplace or the economy.
The labor market
The labor market as mentioned, in the above is a place where labor is sold. Both the skill and unskilled are found, within the labor market.
Note, this not a physical marketplace. It could be the generation web site or offices all over the world use for job seekers to sell they skills. A job site online is considered a labor market. Reason is you are able to buy skill or employed skill from the site online. People go there to sell their skills, by putting in their resume, which have their skill set in it.
The labor market Problems.
There are number of problems, within the labor market, which can affect skills worker in most case. ?Such problems include:
- How to haired/ Is a big problem for companies. The skills and education needed to haired cannot be found within in many organizations. There are not many Human Resource (HR) employed with the professional education needed to hair people. They do not have the HR skills.
- Who to haired/ the who of the hiring process, is another problem affecting the worked place. Knowledge of the skilled is lacking for more HR. They do not understand the skill set they see on the resume. There are many HR who do not under education evaluation. For example, if a high school person, is employed as a HR. how can that person understand what a Master or PhDs skill is ? They have no know on the language used in the resume. There are many professional names given the very job skills, which the HR could be looking. They turn that person down because they do not understand the professional language. The language is just high for many high schools Human Resource manager, to understand.
- Skills evaluation/ the assessments process in heiring is affected by deceptions. Today many of the HR questions used for employment, in given to agencies. The agency sends in unqualify people base on the money offer. Many companies go with such because they do not want to
- Pay professional or skilled workers. There are not many pay professional in the work area. If they are found within the worked, are they are misplaced. Many companies is a way of under paying professionals' worker in the company misplace them.
- Misplacement is when, a professional skilled worker is not allowed to work within the area of their profession. Company used this unethical approach to never pay qualify people within the workplace. There are millions of colleges and universities graduate who are misplace and consider unskilled workers. professional jobs are brought by agency as business with Human Resource department.
- Job Discriminations: Job discrimination is a leading factor of misplacement of skilled worker. High pay job and professional job are considered for some groups. This had created job discrimination in many areas of the job market.
Agency Issues in the skill market.
Agency issues for high paid job, had been affected in many works place. These agencies buy the job, making very difficult for an individual resume to reach the company. Many company using a agency will not accept resume, not sent by an agency. This had caused many companies to buy or haired unskilled workers into the workplace.
The attraction of foreign worker had also created problem on skill evaluations. Many deceptions had need found in the process from unethical groups. There are some nations which take the advantage in other nation for money making. These nations send thousands of workers into other country as business. Most are just given little skill on a product and sent. Many do not have the college education in doing the job. They make have the product knowledge. There is more about skill than product knowledge.
?Bootcamp: The process of bootcamp, is deployed in making millions of dollars. This also cause more people without the professional education to enter the workplace of professional or educated workers. There are millions of people with master’s degree, but not having the opportunity to enter the workplace. they are qualified to lead. These professional people are the once still standing in the labor market, waiting to be employ by company, based on their qualifications. The disadvantage is the interview question for such job is given at a bootcamp to a high school student or unskilled person. That professional person will never get the job.
There are also PhDs holder who are not able enter the workplace because of agency issues in the employment area today.
Employment Issues
As mentioned, there are issues with the number of unskilled workers, who is employed to buy labor. To employ a skillful person or a professional people, company must have, the qualifications or people to view this skill set and understand them. Because many buyers are also unskillful. They have no understanding about professional skilled. They do not know what a skill is. This had created a make problem for skilled or professional workers to sell their skilled in the labor market.
For example, an employer who has a high school student as HR, to buy a PhDs skill does not understand, what a PhDs or master’s degree. They are likely to misplace the person.They put these professional aside and only look for people like themselves. Those who had never been to collage or have a professional job experience. They continue to employ these unqualify people. Rather them the qualify people.
The negative effect in employing an unprofessional worker.
Many of the problem face today in the workplace, is attributed to the haring process. The people selected are unskilled and unprofessional in the job they are employed to do. Meaning they bring in unethical issues and attract and lie on other workers in order to keep the job.
They also cause many organizations into legal problems. Note, the business or company is the most unlawful areas today because of the hiring process. There are most lawsuit against, business in court than, any other organizations.
The Unemployment Agency, a Save Heave for company abuse.
Thus, the unemployment agency plays a very important to balance and deal with employment issues, between a company and the employee. This had also help company to abuse more people because they believe the agency with handle without the company been after in a way to function. This had cover up the number of abuses against employees in many companies. If not many of the companies was going to be listed and stop from functioning.
Company in court.
If the agency of unemployed, was not set up, there would be more case in court against company on unethical behavior.
The effect on the economic
Many governments paid billions of dollars each year into unemployment. All these problems are caused by unprofessional and unskillful people within the workplace. Some are worker some are managers, who go free with the abuse. The problem within the system cannot be change because of such approach. However, the effects, is creating more problems. Making Unskilled and skilled worker to be abuse or pay at the same rate.
Work to live.
The work to live is a process, which is at will. Meaning a skillful person could chose to job a unskillful job without the company been the problem. That is a chosen to live. In such condition manager and company are not to be blende for person trying to live. A manager or company employing a person who need a job because they got to live is contributing to the economic Developpement of that nation, State or city. Reason is why the people are employed they paid taxes to government for the development of that area. They could be considering an unskilled worker.
The Unskilled workers.
Note there are also people within society without education. They too need to work and live. They are called the unskilled workers. The Unskilled worker made not be able to read or write. Meaning they can be called to do anything just to live. Many are called laborer.
Unskilled workers fall in many different categories. As a skilled worker could be a collage graduate, university graduate, vocational education, or a high school education. Unskilled workers are those uneducated, untrained, and inexpert. These people have no skills which can be legally proven. Thu, some made be trained in an area for a long time or years of experience in some areas of works, they cannot prove it legally. Note a resume is not a legal prove that a person has a skill. Anyone can write a resume and include as many skills as possible on it. They made not truly have the qualifications or legal backing of the skills.
The word careers had been misunderstood by many people. Career do not mean skill. The word careers refer to the kind of work you do. It is about your Job, Occupation, Profession, Vocation, or Calling. Everyone needs a career. Meaning an area of your passion, where you can best function.
Careers is about what you love to do in your lifetime. ?You begin you career by going to a university or college or vocational school and identifying the career area. Or you could walk into an organization and spend your lifetime there, doing what you love to do. Career do not mean skill.
Reason is everyone have the freedom to identify a career in life. Most college student had identified their careers. A complect identification of a career at an academy level is done at the Master leave. All those with a master education has identify their career. ?An undergraduate also had identify their career but had not master it.
It is at the graduate level that a person master’s their career. those with career from a university is called professional. The are the people called a skilled worker.
This book was Written by: Dr. Lemuel B. King
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