Skill for Service or Product or Both
ajay bhatt
Manager Projects - Water Management and Plumbing Skill Council 17000+ Connections
What is skill?
Expertise to do something well is called skill.
Is skill required only for earning money or for livelihood or something else?
First step to skill is interest, then it becomes hobby, then it becomes passion and later on it becomes skill and further it becomes an earning job.
Skill for Service
Some Jobs are process oriented and considered a service sector. For example if you want to become a trainer, you must have to follow several stages to become skilled trainer and well demanding trainer. In India, trainer is considered a better profession but there is little good response from the society; the people think they learn the skill themselves. Therefore trainer is not generally required. But this is not true, trainer has its own importance and always required in every sphere of life and profession.
One day we went to Jaipur, I wanted to hire an Expert guide who can guide us whole Jaipur. But my wife refused to take guide she said, we can watch all places and see on internet. I told that is ok but there is expertise of guide who can make your awareness more about Jaipur. I told my wife that we are three you, myself and my son. Whatever decision two of us will do, we should ready for that. Myself and my son ready for hiring a guide, then my wife also uninterestingly agreed. At last, when guide has explained all about Jaipur, we could have never known in internet or any book about the pink city. There are several secrets of historical places. We enjoyed our journey.
I always feel expertise has its own role.
Skill for Product
When I go for purchasing new mobile phone, I have to learn all product features such as appearance, specifications, brand and price. If I present myself a salesman, I must learn two things here complete product knowledge and customer visibility. If anyone of these skills is skipped, one never becomes a good salesperson. Therefore, salesperson must be skilled in product knowledge.
Skill for service and product both
Suppose a successful millionaire beauty therapist is running its own beauty salon. What are the stages she has qualified to become successful? The following stages.
Interest: She has interest to make herself and others beauty queens through beauty therapies. She learnt requisite skills of the products application and its effects and customer service.
Hobby: She has given free services to few reputed ladies who has done her marketing.
Passion: She has made some training sessions and digital learning materials which honestly can honestly guide to become beautiful. She has written blogs also…
Skill: Now she has staff to follow the standard procedure and techniques of beauty therapy. And now she is a trainer, guide and leader to promote its passion to the society and earn millions. Even she is giving free services to its premium known ones due to her good relations and shown her quality and doing marketing very well.
Some people say “Ghoda Ghas se dosti karega to khayega kya” this myth is wrong to some extent because human is not an animal; successful people are giving free services to promote their interest, hobbies, passion and skills.
We have concluded that several people apply for jobs and they struggled a lot but unable to get any Job due to some lack of participating complete skilling process.
We are advising youth to understand the skilling process so that they become successful and satisfied in their life in terms of job or business.
Ajay Bhatt
Writer has leadership role in a Delhi Based Assessment Body in Skill Development Project.