Skill Optimization Algorithm: A New Human-Based Metaheuristic Technique
Tech Science Press
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This is from the Editorial Office of Journal CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua (2021 IF:3.86).CMC is currently indexed by all major databases, including SCI, EI, SCOPUS, etc...
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With the advancement of science and technology, the need for optimization techniques to address the applications and challenges of optimization and achieve optimal designs has become increasingly apparent. The goal in optimization is to find the best solution to a multi-solution problem (known as the optimization problem)。In this paper, a new metaheuristic algorithm called Skill Optimization Algorithm (SOA) is proposed to solve optimization problems. The fundamental inspiration in designing SOA is human efforts to acquire and improve skills.
The main inspiration employed in designing SOA is the human activities and efforts that seeks to acquire and improve skills.This paper analyzes the efficiency of SOA in optimization applications by testing the algorithm on a set of 23 standard benchmark functions of different unimodal, high-dimensional multimodal and fixed-dimensional multimodal types..??????
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