Skewed Sex Ratio spurs Violence
A rare commodity should logically be considered more valuable, something to be treasured, but as the sex ratio steadily falls, the value of a women’s dignity and life seems to be decreasing. The recent spats of the rapes, especially those of girl children, reveals a viciousness which is shocking. The increased in numbers could be because of increased reporting but the ferocity and frequency suggests deeper reasons. Needed as the death penalty for the rapist the age of 12 years is – the govt. approved an executive order to the effect Sunday- it is unlikely to entirely address the issue.
In large parts of India, there are severe restrictions on normal interactions between the sexes, an ingredient belief in the worthlessness of women, and the easy availability of the cheap pornographic, conveying a notion of male – female relationships. Study show that across India, especially in states with skewed sex ration, women are at the greater risk of sex and violence from an increasingly frustrated cohort of men that’s finds it difficult to interact with women. The increased in child rape is also because children are much easier targets than adults.
Finally the criminal justice system is also riddled with loopholes from evidence gathering to investigations that many rape cases just fall through the cracks. As optimistic as one would want to be about the new law, it would be unrealistic to expect it to be free of similar deficiencies. It is a start , but needs to be backed by greater awareness, and a social change.