SketchUp Speed Model Render with Lumion

SketchUp Speed Model Render with Lumion

Today, we wi;ll tell you the steps to do a speed render of a particular model. For this speed model, we're demonstrating how we handled an advanced Sketchup interior design idea made by Encho Enchev.

The majority of our speed models center around the outside design of a structure, yet like the storage room speed model, we decided to utilize an interior space for this one.

Investigate how it was finished! On the off chance that you need a more top to bottom instructional exercise on how we model in Sketchup, look at our idea modeling instructional exercise in the blog.

Sketchup Interior Design Speed Model: Steps

1. Import Image

To begin, we imported the picture into our Sketchup model. You need to be certain you import it as a coordinate photograph.

2. Adjust Perspective

Next, adjust the perspective lines in Sketchup with those in the picture. This is an important advance on the grounds that the perspective lines will be the guide for your model and permit you to make an increasingly precise last item.

When you have the perspective adjusted, you can start to include planes for the dividers and floor.

3. Block it Out

We attracted a square shape to make the floor plane and started blocking out the furniture from that point. We began with the nearest pieces to the watcher and worked our way back. Start by blocking out the essential shapes.


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