The Skeleton in The Doctors Closet
Hospitals Sreading Infections That Threaten Our Existance

The Skeleton in The Doctors Closet

You must be the healthiest, keep fit fanatic, and believe you are immune to illness and infections; think again. I have worked as a paediatric intensive and critical care doctor for over thirty years and as a family physician in the NHS(UK) for ten years. This era was when antibiotics were dished out like smarties to every person who walked in to consult.

Three young healthy adults whom I met in a meeting, and listened to what I said, contacted me to ask why the are constantly tired, and not enthusiastic. The symptoms were very vague, and so the doctors ignored, and labelled them as hypochondriacs. After listening their story, I requested basic test to rule out infection. Both were colonised (skin, and bladder) with Klebsella pneumonia, resistant to numerous antibiotics. Honestly, I was shocked, and did not know what to do, because the antibiotic that may help was not only very expensive, but must be administered intravenously for 14 days. The cost of treatment varied from Rs 60k-100k.

Why Are We In This Situation?

I cannot blame the doctors because they were prescribing to protect themselves from litigations and compensation payments. The lives of doctors who diagnosed the symptoms as viral infections and refused to prescribe antibiotics were destroyed by the General Medical Council (GMC). How can any doctor knowing secondary bacterial infection follow viral infections that kill? Blame the ones who did the right thing, made doctors all over the world prescribe antibiotics to people with viral infections. Over 100 doctors working in the NHS harassed and humiliated by the GMC committed suicide in ten years. This institution has not accepted responsibility but blamed doctors saying they had a mental illness.?

The judges were awarding huge compensation payments labelling their action as "Negligent". Parents of children officially complain against the doctor, refer them to the GMC, saying the doctor was rude, and scare them about treatment resistance that can kill, but fail to mention their "Expectation of getting antibiotics was not met". I'm sad because the GMC and courts harassed, humiliated and often ostracised doctors who defend their ethics, profession, and humanity. Its doctors of my generation's responsible for killing the goose that laid "Golden Eggs."

The Trigger

On 16th December 1989, a teenager walked into A&E complaining of tummy pain and died the same evening. I diagnosed his illness as "Sepsis" and started resuscitating him, but the boy was rapidly deteriorating because the so-called "Miricle Drug" had failed to save his life miraculously. When I told the parents, "Antibiotics are not killing the bacteria, " they did not believe me and started abusing me verbally, racially and physically. The trauma I went through and the fear of contracting the infection haunted me for days and gave me goosebumps.?

I worked as a staff paediatrician in tertiary hospitals (1983-1999), and so was the one who saw, examined, diagnosed the illness or infections, and manged very sick and ill children day and night. I must have managed thousands of very sick and dying children every year. I chose to work as "On-Call Paediatrician once every other night and at weekends, and did not aspire to be a consultant or professorship, knowing my profession will come to an abrupt halt, if doctors like me do not act. I felt guilty, and tried to justify the reasons. I spent time observing, organising pilot studies, inventing devices and techniques to help reduce the spread of hospital-acquired infections (MRSA). Between 1990 and 1999, I published papers and patented devices and exhibited my work in Medica, Dusseldorf, Germany (2006). My mission was to find a solution to avert the major threat to the medical profession, our family, and our very existence.

When I said this threat of treatment-resistant bacteria threatens our profession, I was ridiculed, harassed, humiliated by doctors, and nurses working in the hospitals. No one wants to hear they were wrong, or committed a mistake. Members of my own family, and my childhood friends alienated me. Most people thought I was crazy and labelled me a "Scare Mongerer".

In Sky TV Interview broadcast in Suriname in 2014, I said, "If we don't act now, the world will be on wildfire. This is a threat to members of my profession and our very existence." Now spreading COVID has made majority of people believe what I said is true. They continue to live under an illusion based on theoretical idealism hoping ChatGPT will discover a miracle drug soon. Not many people know the difference between virus, bacteria, fungus, and parasites, nor know we need 23 new antibiotics, antiviral, and ante-fungal drugs to help fight these infections

Fear of Illness & Infection

Fear of the darkness is one of the most common human emotions we learn to overcome, but some don't. Fear is natural and important and has sustained us as a species without drugs and hospitalisation for centuries. Less than a century ago, the discovery of penicillin changed how we think, act and behave. Yes, the so-called "Miricle Drug" helped us learn more about our body, increased life expectancy, and helped medical advances possible.?

Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and device and equipment manufacturers were thriving, and now the richest companies that control leaders, institutions, and healthcare professionals. People with vested interests protected the tree that was producing gold apples, and so talking about gene thearpy as a method to cure illness. Billion$$$ was invested, and even thriving because the inflicted fear of illness and death, has resulted in a culture of dependency on doctors.

In the UK, one in five people are directly or indirectly working for the National Health Service (NHS). This institution is said to be the 2nd largest employer in the world. Alternate medicine, naturopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractice, dieticians, meditation, yoga, vitamins, herbal medicine, and organic food all claim to boost immunity and promise to cure illness. The COVID pandemic created a market for hand sanitisers, detergents, vaccinations, tests, face masks, and products claiming to protect us from getting COVID.?

I must be the biggest fool on earth because I never imagined the politicians, doctors, the Centre of Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organisation (WHO), and scientists will force people to wear face masks, wash hands using chemicals, enforce quarantine, lockdowns, force us to get vaccinated, and maintain social dispensing. When I worked with seriously infected individuals in an Isolation hospital in Bangalore, treating patients with leprosy, TB, Diptheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, and Skin infections, we did not have face masks, disposable glow, syringes, needles to use. Gloves made of rubber sheets were washed and reused when performing surgery.

As doctors in NHS hospitals, we wash our hands using soap and water before performing minor surgical procedures or resuscitation. I do not remember wearing a face mask, and I certainly never got vaccinated, including Hepatitis B Vaccination. I don't remember taking a shower before I returned home. I lived alone, so I was not eating healthy food, take any vitamins, or immune boosting products, get a blood test or perform any exercise. I smoked and drank alcohol often, and travelled often. I ask myself, why I never suffered from infections like the flu or COVID??

I was forced to get vaccinated when I decided to return to live in India. One month after I returned, I started experiencing mild chest pain and was sweating; when I started getting cramps in my left arm, I got worried, went to a local hospital and was diagnosed with a mild heart attack (MI). Now a healthy 67 years person has a shunt inserted in my heart. I never consulted a doctor in the past, nor diagnosed with any illness nor taken any drugs suddenly lumbered with drugs, to thin my blood.

Never Seen A Doctor Before

Most parents of sick and critically ill children always said their child was healthy and happy. They have not seen a doctor, not taking any drugs. The parents told me the sick children were fed organic food to justify themselves. They could not believe the child could catch a serious infection that was killing them.?

Now the situation has gotten worse than in the past. The number of people telling me, claiming they know more than what I know, and advising me what to do escalated. A new name for the old thing, "The Germs", is "COVID". You cannot see them using the naked eye, but you know they are stronger, more intelligent, and understand our genetic vulnerability with lethal precision. They are here to stay, but what is happening behind the sea is one that you cannot comprehend.

What Can I Do?

Wearing a face mask, washing hands, social distancing, Isolating yourselves at home and staying away from friends, family, and the community have not helped us. Quarantine and lockdowns have ripped apart families, bankrupted businesses and nations. Now imagine living alone, forced to stay at home due to lockdown or fear of getting an infection. Suddenly, you get pain. You don't know the cause; you ignore it. It doesn't go away; Stop believing doctors have the knowledge, drugs, and methods to cure any illness. Drugs seldom cure, and the ones that did (Antibiotics) work no more. The medications available and used can only alleviate pain and suffering.

Doctors abused antibiotics in less than a century and helped create superbugs threatening our existence. According to the WHO and CDC, hospital equipment, X-Ray Equipment, Scanner, furniture, toilets, walls and roofs are colonised with bacteria and fungi that are not killed and so difficult to sterilise. They cannot be fixed after using equipment like stethoscopes, thermometers, auroscopes, or ophthalmoscopes.?

Doctors' clothes, hands and room is colonised with more resistant bacteria and infested with insects that carry infections. I don't remember showering after returning home from the hospital, and I often spent time socialising in social clubs or pubs. We never heard of "Social distancing"; as a doctor, we cannot stand 1-2 meters when examining our patients.

And only wear unsterile glows placed on the table in open boxes are covered with dust, so they must be colonised with superbugs. I know it was more dangerous for me to touch them, but I had no alternative because the patients would complain. I am sure you will start hearing stories from friends and relatives about someone getting admitted to hospitals for minor operations or visiting A&E with minor illnesses, never returning home.?

More than 2,890 hospital patients in Canada are infected with a so-called “superbug,” or an antibiotic-resistant organism, at any one time, according to new Canadian research, which also found that most infections were acquired in a health-care facility. Journal?Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 13th May 2013

The worst infection that will spread soon is 'Superbug' Fungus, Candida Auris. The more chemicals we use to clean hospitals, and homes, better opportunity for this "Super Resistant to treatment fungus to multiply and thrive". The fungus is often resistant to one or more antifungal drugs used to treat?Candida?infections. It's also hard to identify these infections using standard lab methods, which can leave people misdiagnosed and without proper treatment for too long. The?CDC?has dubbed a "serious global health threat."?

Serious treatment-resistant bacteria, fungal or viral infections do not discriminate; they can infect health, young and old. Ethically, surgeons will find operating hard because post-operative wound infections kill. Kids who fall while playing will develop sepsis because a simple cut, brushing, or a thorn prick can get infected.

The advances in modern medicine, like transplant surgery, joint replacement, IVF, and marrow transplants, will abruptly halt. It will be hard for doctors to inject drugs, too, because they can introduce germs colonised on the skin into our bodies, resulting in sepsis and death.?

"This is a war that we may never win", said I in 2005, warned our children will need a face mask to protect themselves. I honestly felt bad to watch my daughter dressed like a. princess, wearing a face mask, when I saw her receive the graduation certificate in 2020.?

I have seen fear in thousands of newborn babies' eyes for over thirty years, but seeing my daughter's eyes frightened me. Memories of babies that died of infection and the trauma parents went through started haunting me. This motivated me to think about a simple strategy to reduce infected individuals coming to consult. I have conducted numerous pilot projects to understand how bacterial infection spreads in hospitals and intensive care, so the best method is to reduce contact. I collected and compiled a list of presenting complaints, analysed the data, created MAYA (Medical Advice You Access), and colour-coded them to help differentiate common from serious illnesses and infections.

After testing my hypothesis using colour-coded cards, I found that combinations of three symptoms help differentiate common illnesses and infections without clinical examination or tests. Hoping to validate this tool, I started working as a family physician in a pilot "Nurse-led Family Practice" in Surrey. I was also asked to tutor and assess nurse practitioners and prescribers. I suggested the receptionist must refer patients to consult me if the two symptoms were red.?

Unfortunately, the nurses were not keen because they struggled to get a "Licence to Prescribe Drugs", claiming they were "Independent Nurse Prescribers" and were unhappy to continue working as a doctor's subordinate. Here I realised that nurses with no medical qualification and training under supervision for five years in hospitals are unsafe. The nurses trained in the surgery by nurses were appointed as nurse consultants in the local walk-in clinic and allowed to work like doctors and prescribe drugs.?

I started seeing patients managed by nurses and noticed errors in diagnosis, and delay in getting the right treatment resulted in devastating complications. As a doctor, I must inform the GMC and my employers. The GMC told me they do not have the power to intervene nor stop nurses allowed to work as a doctor in the NHS. The Chairman of the Primary Care Trust informed the nurses about the "Protected Disclosure". This was the biggest mistake I made, but by ignoring my problem, the authorities and institutions supported quackery. Now the 3rd most common cause of death is diagnostic and treatment errors in primary care.

Determined and focused on helping protect doctors and empower people by providing a tool to help make Informed Decisions and consult doctors only when they must, I integrated this innovation and created Dr Maya App to help identify infected individuals and isolate them at home to protect their family, friends, and prevent infection spread in the community resulting in epidemics, and pandemics.

The article I published in 2016-2017, listed here, explains how to prevent the superbug pandemic, consult a doctor or self-medicate, and identify clusters of infection. This app also helps to share information with users, reducing delays and aborting epidemics.

My book Dr Maya Protecting You Protecting Us, explains how licencing nurses to work like doctors in the NHS, offering emergency care advice and treatment, has made a mockery of our profession and put people's lives at risk. How can we expect a nurse who observed in my clinic to diagnose illness, differentiate common from serious diseases or infections, and offer advice and treatment? Nurses and doctors working in the NHS are expected to follow "Protocol, and Guidelines" and show the therapy claiming this is based on "Evidence Based Medicine". Guidelines are not 100% correct because no illness or infection follows the same path in every patient. Tests and investigations must never be used to diagnose any disease or disorder because more than 20% of results are false positive or false negative.?

The World Medical Association Tokyo Declaration 1975 states, "The duty of a Physian must have complete independence of offer treatment using the knowledge, and experience, an no person in power, or institution has the power to intervein, because this is in the interest of protecting humanity". It is obvious to me that doctors have lost their free will and helplessly watching the profession destroyed.

Seek the truth, know the truth.?

Conquer fear, empower yourself, make informed decisions, reduce wasted consultation, and stop bringing home germs we cannot kill. Please watch this video, leave comments, share information, empower yourself using Dr Maya, and read Dr Maya's Protecting areYou protecting Us before it's too late.

PS: I am in India, learning all about AI to create and publish a new app MyGPTDr, and an AI-based Computer Programme will revolutionise and systemise healthcare worldwide. We must ease access to healthcare information, reduce wasted consultation, cross infections, and cost and prevent pandemics and epidemics that will kill more than 10 million annually by 2050.


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