Skating is Life
Mindy McGuire, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Mindy McGuire PHD LCSW LLC (Psychotherapist and General Psychologist)
Today, walking into the rink, an old friend I saw asked if “I was still skating?” He was the 7th person this month who asked, and there is no better question. The answer is “Yes, “I’m still skating.” As long as my body allows it, the skating will: 1. Always be there: Through the ups and downs and life’s challenges, the ice doesn’t judge or discriminate. The ice is a safe space to practice your elements and take full responsibility for improvement. 2. Never abandon: True friends stay and enter in reciprocity, but one never knows when a “friend” will let you down, fail to show up, or disappoint. It’s part of life, even if you try to select friends carefully. Not the ice: the ice always stays fresh, welcoming, and shiny, and when you do well or are not up to expectation, the ice is there for you, time and time again. 3. Consistently be available: If you change skating times or rinks, you can still find another session. In rain, heat, or snow, you can still skate. As long as the Zamboni is working, the imperfections are erased, and a new session begins again. Skating is about renewal. There is always another chance to erase a bad jump or failed test. Always! 4. Test your limitations. Life is all about challenging yourself to accomplish your goals. In skating, as in many levels of life, you need to come out and prove yourself, even after a setback. No one can give it to you or do it for you, you must want it and put the work in. 5. Help to keep perspective: No matter what is transpiring in life, personally or universally, skating can help to heal and proffer taking a mental break from obstacles. Everyone has “stuff,” but like a dear good friend, skating will be there for you, love unconditionally, embrace you, respond to you, make time for you, and most of all, give you a good test grade when you truly deserve it or inform when improvements are needed. 6. Will never be replaced. You can exercise and do as many yoga or spin classes as you wish, but it doesn’t replace skating. So, “Yes, I’m still skating.” This February will be 30 years. What is your best/favorite sport and how has sport shaped your life?